Lifetime hasn’t renewed Army Wives for a seventh season but has instead ordered 10 additional episodes for season six. The cable channel initially ordered 13 episodes last May and has now increased that number to 23 installments. Prior to this, the drama’s biggest season order has been 19 episodes.
According to Deadline, the cast and crew are currently filming the sixth season and this move will keep them in continuous production. Army Wives and Drop Dead Diva are the cable channel’s strongest shows and they understandably want to keep them going until they can launch other successful series. Last summer’s new dramas — The Protector and Against The Wall — weren’t big performers. One was cancelled and the other hasn’t been renewed yet.
The original Army Wives actors’ salaries expire at the end of the sixth season. By tacking on additional episodes, Lifetime doesn’t have to renegotiate with them to get more installments. The cable channel is supposedly offering each of the leads an increase of $10,000 per episode, far less than what they’d get if their contracts were renegotiated. The longer season will likely be broken up into two parts.
The cast and crew were expected to wrap season six by February which would have allowed the actors time to audition for new pilots. With Lifetime ordering 10 more episodes, pilot season will be long passed by the time they’re available. Sally Pressman has a holding deal with NBC that will have to be pushed back and Catherine Bell had been fielding offers from networks for new pilots.
It’s been suspected that season six is the show’s last. If that’s indeed true, Lifetime is getting as many episodes as they can out of the cast without having to renegotiate and increase their talent costs.
What do you think? Will there be a seventh season or is season six the end? How long should Army Wives go on?
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Image courtesy Lifetime.
I have watched this show from the beginning. It is a show I can realte to. For military family’s who are not next to a post or base it makes you feel like you are not forgotten, you can realte. PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL THE SHOW!!! (Especialy since it is one of your highest watched show’s on lifetime). ….You can not leave the viewer’s hanging like this. Just everyone possibly dies on a plane or lands and there was just a bad storm. Either way the ending should not be like this.
Please do not cancel Army Wives. I love this show. Please Please Please do not take Trevor and Roxy off of the show. It is bad enough that Chase and Pamela are not on it anymore. I love the Lifetime Network and I love the shows. This show is one of the best shows on. I can not wait for Sunday nights. For once, listen to your viewers. We are the ones that make you guys your money.
It is bad enough to take this great show off the air, but to leave the fans hanging this way is a disgrace. I will boycott Lifetime and get all my friends to as well. PLEASE give us an ending!!!
Was that a cliff hanger or what? Please let us know if there is more to this series? Have watched from the beginning. Do all the passengers on the plan die? WOW
there has to be a season 7 on army wives.Its not right to leave the fans hanging as to what happened on the plane.If they replace it with another one of them stupid reality shows ILL STOP WATCHING LIFE TIME.WE ALREADY HAVE TO MANY REALITY SHOWS ON T.V AS IT IS..AND TO CANCLE THE ONLY SHOW I LOOK FOWARD TO WATCHING ON LIFE TIME IS JUST INSANE..
OMG!!! Are you freaking kidding me with the finale??? EVERYBODY dies??? WTH???!!
U.S. pilots are the BEST at what they do!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! U.S. planes do *not* go down – WTH!!!! Bring it back, PLEASE!!!!!
I started watching this show from the very first episode and i even got my sister into the show, I love this show I hope hope hope that was not the way the series ends it will be so disapponting this show is the one and only show i have to see please dont take it away!!
I love Army Wives, it puts reality in check. Sometimes we often forget what our soldiers and family go through. Thank you for reminding us just how special they are.
Have watched this series since beginning. One of my favorite serious. Please try to continue. Thanks.
LOVE the show, cliff hanger series finale was insane! I have gotten so attached to these characters and have hated Pam and Chase left, now Roxy and Trevor…Missed Claudia Joy alot this season but I LOVE this show and would love to see it on for a longer season. Gosh! I dunno how I am gonna wait to see the next season!
I have watched this show from the very beginning. If you guys are not bringing it back for another season. The last few minutes of the episode was not a good way to end the show the show should end on uplifting note. I hope that is not the way the producers wanted the show to end. Last episode was really good until the last few moments. Hope you guys do new season 7 hope have loved the show alot!
Dear Lifetime: Apparently you haven’t noticed what great actors are a part of Army Wives. I have watched this show since the beginning. I decided to watch this series because of Catherine Bell. I enjoyed her on JAG for many years. And as the weeks went by, I came to enjoy all the characters. This show topped my list of “must see” series on TV. Never a dull moment. I hope you bring it back. PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL IT.
Please Please Please bring Army Wives back for season 7!!!!!!!!!!
Do to personal scheduling I was not able to watch Army Wives when it first aired. Right before season 5 started, I did a marathon on Netflix to catch up, I love the show!!! Please have a season 7. The door has certainly been left open at the end of season 6. So sign the contracts and let the cameras roll!!!!!