Has Beowulf been axed? The Sun reports that the Esquire series, which airs on ITV in the U.K., has been cancelled.
Beowulf premiered in the United States on January 23rd.
The fantasy drama is based on the Anglo-Saxon epic poem of the same name. In the series, Kieran Bew stars as the titular warrior, who is tasked with saving the kingdom from invading evils. William Hurt, Joanne Whalley, and Ed Speleers also star.
The Sun reports the series has been terminated due to poor ratings. In the U.K., the first season finale only drew in 1.4 million viewers. At the moment, neither ITV nor Esquire have made an official comment regarding the series’ cancellation.
What do you think? Have you seen Beowulf? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed?
I get a show that I enjoy looking at and I find out it is cancelled. Reality shows get to stay on but not this great Series.
heres how u should look at it in four simple but complex ways 1. take a survey on what people say about it whether it be in person email social media reviews/review sites etc. 2. the plot are u really at a point where u can just end it and 3. listen to ur viewers. 4. do u want to continue it. my opiion if u arent going to make season two u need to make a book or tell us what happens cause last episode left us in suspense if u decide not to continue make 1 more episode… Read more »
My family loves this show. I hope they don’t cancel it.
Love this show.
I love this show.
What a crock… This series was kick ass. You need to continue with season 2 to at least they dont leave us hanging…
I watched every Sunday without fail. There should be a second series and I really do hope they reconsider. It was a good storyline with great visual effects such as the trolls. Ok yeah a little slow but it was only the first series. BBB (Bring Back Beowulf).
WHY?? WHY?? WHY?? Do they always cancel something that’s very entertaining?? I looked forward to the the 2nd season!! At LEAST give us a second season to wrap things up. I hate when the powers that be leave us hanging.
Everybody sign up to petition.
RENEW IT damn it!!!!!!
I emailed Esquire twice to find out what was going on with Beowulf, because it didn’t exactly “end”. Thanks for providing a source of information, because Esquire couldn’t be bothered with responding to my inquiries.
Please please renew so awesome!!!!! I am watching the finale now and freaking out
Please renew ! I wasn’t even aware of the show until May. I watched it on demand and I work for a cable company! Just not advertised very well.
I watch some shows on FreeForm chanel and thought that they should pick up Beowolf. I sent them a message asking them to. Maybe if we all send them messages they might consider it.
Renew I’ve enjoyed the program and have great anticipation to see the new season and how the story goes.