There’s good news and bad news for fans of the Bones TV show on FOX. The long-running crime drama has been renewed for a 12th season but that will be the show’s final run and there will only be a dozen episodes.
Bones revolves around a married couple who use their skills as an FBI agent (David Boreanaz) and a forensic anthropologist (Emily Deschanel) to solve difficult cases. The show’s cast also includes Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, and John Boyd.
Both Boreanaz and Deschanel are set to return for the final season — as are executive producers and showrunners Jonathan Collier and Michael Peterson.
In a statement, the showrunners said, “We couldn’t be more thrilled to have another season, so we can give the show, characters and fans the end they so richly deserve. Also knowing there is a Season 12, we can now write the most rewarding Season 11 finale possible — one we hope will leave our fans excited for what’s to come in this final season of Bones.”
Series creator Hart Hanson noted, “In times like these, marked by instability and doubt, it’s comforting to know the world can count on at least one dependable beacon of stability. Apparently, that beacon is Bones. It just shows what you can do with an amalgam of genius cast, amazing crew, cunning writers, stalwart studio, sweat, a tough economy, a mercurial network, determination, luck, magic, miracles and the most loyal audience in the world.”
What do you think? Do you like the Bones TV show? Do you think that season 12 should be the end? Would you watch a 13th season or, should it have been cancelled this year?
I would watch season 13, going to miss this show
Please! Please! Please! Dont cancel thPlease! Even now as I’m writing this, I’m choking up and tears are rolling down my face at the thought of there being no more Bones. I watch every week and I watch the reruns on another network daily, even though I’ve seen them countless times before. This show is one that both of my children, ages 21 and 24, enjoy watching with me age 59. It is extremely current and revelant to today’s society and it encompasses strong family values. It constantly exhibits how people with different religious beliefs can not only coexist, but… Read more »
Please don’t cancel bones why do you people only cancel the good shows
We came late to this show. We started watching about five years ago, but we instantly fell in love with it. We got caught up with the old seasons and look forward to the new shows each week and each new season .. When we heard about this being the last season we couldn’t believe it. We love all the characters on the show and don’t want to see them go. We really hope they change their minds and keep bones on.
I love bones it is my #1show i hope it doesn’t stop for a long time i’m a buffy and angel fan and wasn’t sure at first but it is awesome to see David in this role i watch every time it’s on i have several episodes saved on my dvr please don’t cancel
Please do NOT cancel Bones. It has been number one on my DVR for years and will always hold that position. All other shows have been second to Bones since the pilot episode and I have never missed a show. This is not one to acredit to the cancel books people. Bad decision.
No…… Leave it on….. quality and no smut
I would definitely watch all new seasons. It’s very disappointing to hear this is the final season. Please reconsider
I already hate the series to go I have been watching it for years and look forward to it each week . It’s a good family show and I just love to watch the chemistry between bones and booth. sad to see it go
I’m just really getting back into it. I love the show, the wit, drama and comedy. I think it should continue as long as the great collaboration of everyone produces a great show. I do miss Pelant…that was a good run. I believe he put Bones and Booth on the right course of solving certain mysteries and murders.
I forgot to add, considering a TV show line up which includes the most unpleasant, crude and rather x-rated so called reality shows, Bones provides entertainment without obscenities, a rarity in this day and age; a show that can be watched in a family environment, with the exception of the younger children. Bones is a fantastic show. Please don’t make the mistake other networks have made by cancelling shows with a well established viewership. It would be such an amazing feat if fans, viewers of Bones were allowed to keep their show in the air and not replaced by garbage.… Read more »
I am a huge fan of this show, I love watching it. It is so well written , the actors are brilliant and they make for a wonderful, well loved cast of characters. I would so love it if the show did not end, there are so few tv shows that incorporate intelligent writing and acting, plus the storylines are so complete and have the right amount of drama, the feel of real life and the perfect amount of humor. A more complete ensemble should be kept on air. Please do not cancel. A plea from a devoted fan.
I have watched every single episode of Bones, and would love to see it continue being on TV for a long long time. I am a MASSIVE Fan of the show, and will be very sad not to see my Favourite programme.
I am waiting to see Bones to see what is going to happen to Jack will he be able to walk again. I hope so I would watch Bones for another 12 seasons. I enjoy trying to solve the murder even if I do not always get the right person. P{lease do not cancel Bones.
I enjoy watching Bones Please do not cancel Bones this is one of the TV shows that I like on TV I do not like all those reality shows there needs to be more shows like Bones on TV.