With the networks constantly changing their primetime schedules (or at least it seems that way), it’s hard to keep track your favorite TV shows. If a series hasn’t been on for a few weeks or months, does that means it’s been cancelled? What TV shows have already been renewed for next season? Well, here’s a quick cheat sheet that can help. It’s a list of all of the regular FOX series that have aired or are expected to air during the 2010-11 season (that’s roughly June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011).
Using this list you can tell where your favorite FOX shows stand; how many episodes are in the current season, when they’ll be back and, of course, if it’s already been renewed (hooray!) or cancelled (sorry!).
If you can’t find a particular FOX program on this list, it may have been cancelled last season (2009-10) or perhaps the one before (2008-09). For a list of cancelled shows from all networks, you can go here. It may also be possible that we missed something so feel free to let us know in the comments below.
Here are updated listings for all five networks: ABC | CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC
You can see the FOX network’s 2011-12 schedule here.
Here are listings for the other networks: ABC | CBS | The CW | NBC
What do you think? Any surprises on the list? Which FOX shows do you think won’t be on the list next season?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Please do not cancel Human Target. For me it has taken the place of 24. Lots of action and great characters. I hope you will consider keeping it.
Human target–Renew again!! best show on air. Give it a good spot & leave it there!
ps family guy sucks and they should cancel it.
They should bring back the good guys! They should keep Human target but make Puchi exactly what she said she would be at the end of season 1 (an absent owner). Her character has ruined the show thus far and that may be why the ratings have dropped. My wife and I watch human target IN SPITE of her character.
Renew Lie To Me, Human Target and Family Guy. I’d be really disappointed to see those shows go, and shows like “The Cleveland Show” , “The Simpsons” and “The American Dad” stay on the air. Like the people before me said, Tim Roth is amazing to watch as Cal Lightman, Christopher Chance with his team never have a dull moment either. As for Family Guy, there is not much to say, the best animated comedy out there.
I firmly believe Human Target should be renewed Fox is not giving it its due. The switching around, come please don’t leave us with Live “talent” reality shows and animation. I have to question the rating structure does anyone even do Neilson anymore. I live on a Mountain and do not have cable or the eye in the sky I only have network TV !Human Target is well written and acted at least give it another season to build up to a finale instead of yanking it. oH AND WHY NOT HYPE IT DURING A SPORTING EVENT!!!!!! DUH INSTEAD OF… Read more »
I believe Human Target should be renewed. The plot and the characters are very interesting. In Many ways it is better than 24 IMO. If Fox keeps up with current program changes they will lose their entire adult audience.
There are so many bad shows on television but Human Target and Bones need to be renewed. You know, even Seinfeld said his show took a couple of seasons to catch on. The characters in Human Target deserve the same chance.
Just a thought, if you want to get adult ratings for prime time tv, maybe you should consider putting adult shows on … Bones, House, and other dramas seem to draw the adult eye (then again, the Simpson’s is still part of the lineup and is one of the WORST shows I’ve ever witnessed, in my opinion only teens and child-like adults find that show humorous).
I am a total Lie to Me fan. I am praying that Fox give this show a season 4, because it is a one-of-a-kind drama with the amazing Tim Roth at the helm. Fox is a crazy network, and has made alot of questionable decisions in the past. They will probably ax my favorite show to make room for chicago code.
and lie to me
Good Guys was funny! If people would of gave it a shot!
What ever happened to shows like Hawthorne, In Plain Sight, Shark, Everwood. The Philanthropist, Mercy, and The Unit?
@Lilia Dardon: That’s a pretty random list from a variety of channels. Hawthorne and In Plain Sight will be back. The rest are cancelled.
Not surprising, they appear on channels that give a show a decent chance to find an audience niche before throwing in the towel. Not saying every show is fantastic just that it takes more than 4-6 shows for people to 1) find the show and 2) know whether or not they want to invest time in watching it. Personally, I only DVR shows that are new and don’t watch them until I think they will last more than Sept-Jan, otherwise, it’s a waste of time (and I’m retired with all the time in the world if I want it!).
They can’t cancel House & Bones they are my favorite shows on T.V.