The CW continues to garner the lowest ratings of all of the five major networks — and they only program five nights a week. Most of their shows would have been cancelled on other networks. This season, they had some successes and some misses.
Here’s a listing of CW TV shows with their current status. This list encompasses shows that have aired from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.
We’ll keep updating the list throughout the May upfronts when decisions are made about most of the shows’ fates. Keep checking back, especially if your favorite is still on the fence.
90210: Students returning for year three. Will anyone graduate?
America’s Next Top Model: The competition will return for rounds 15 and 16.
Gossip Girl: Coming back next season for year four.
Life Unexpected: Has survived to see a sophomore year.
One Tree Hill: Coming back for season eight.
Smallville: Clark Kent to soar for season 10.
Supernatural: The boys will be back for season six.
The Vampire Diaries: The hot vamps will be back for season two.
Cancelled (or ending)
The Beautiful Life: Dumped after just a couple episodes.
Blonde Charity Mafia: The network killed it before it even aired.
Fly Girls: Grounded after one season and eight episodes.
High Society: Not coming back for a second round.
Hitched or Ditched: No more orchestrated weddings.
Melrose Place: The spin-off is gone after one season.
What do you think? Any news that makes you particularly happy or sad? When compared to other networks, is The CW better or worse about cancelling shows?
Here are updated listings for all five networks: ABC | CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC
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I am shocked the network ABC got rid of Legend of the Seeker. That was my favorite series on the network. I do not understand how they can keep Brothers & Sisters, HFV, The Bachhelor, Bachelorette, Grey Anatomy, Cougar Town, Super Nanny. I only watched a few shows on the network and the name of the series were Legend of The Seeker, Lost, V, and Flash forward. I listed them in the order of how much I like them. I have seem every eposide of all these show except for Flash Forward. I did not know what Flash Forward was… Read more »
Seriously Smallville, it is time to end. I am glad One Tree Hill was renewed for another season. Though I still think it should have ended with last season, they introduced too much this season to just end like that.
I’m also super excited that Life Unexpected was renewed. It is surprisingly good for a CW show.
It’s good news about The Vampire Diaries. I also wonder why they didn’t pick up Moonlight when they could have. Those shows go right together. I do hope something is done about Moonlight so we know what happens next.
Also, why do they have a completely blank time slot Fridays at 9? I understand not wanting to put anything their, but it would be nice to see a show there besides reruns of other shows.
So excited for 90210 and Life Unexpected to be returning but i am bummed out that Melrose Place is being cancelled. I really like watching it every week but then again i love priveledge as well and that was booted out last year. One Tree better be coming back because that last episode made me wanting more. Im a sucker for lucas and payton so i hope they will finish the series with them and the baby(which probably wont be a baby anymore). I love love love vampire diaries and cant wait for that to come back. I wish comercials… Read more »
Yes!!!!! Vampire Diaries is awesome. I am so glad that it will be coming back. The season finale floored me!!!!!
I am so happy to hear that vampire diaries will be back, but what about melrose place? that show was awesome and kept me guessing from episode one until the finale… i cant believe there isnt one person who is defending that show on this site?? i also love 90210 and glad to hear that will be back as well. but melrose place was better than 90210 in my opinion. my mother and i watched it every tuesday and were biting our nails every day until the new episode was on. oh and does n e one know why they… Read more »
All I want is One Tree Hill… all the others can go. Glad about Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries! Lovely. 91210 is growing on me as well :). Keep “The Ravens” alive!
all i want is One Tree Hill for just one more year and also a renewed year for Life
Unexpected which unexpectedly i fell in love and id hate to see it go
I really hope that they renew One Tree Hill. I know a lot of people who will be disappointed, they have not closed up enough things to have this episode be the series finale. I hope they at least have a small new season, even if there are not as many episodes.
I don’t watch really watch much on The CW. It’s one of the weakest networks and their programming is usually very repetitive and horrible. I only watch one program now… Life Unexpected, and if they don’t renew. I’ll be beyond angry, and definitely not watch any more of their programs or pilots.
So happy that Vamp Diaries and Supernatural are coming back. I even still watch Smallville. Hope that Michael Rosenbaum makes a return guest shot in what will likely be the show’s last season. I miss Lex!!!
They better renew Life Unexpected or I will be so mad. I think its their best show and it deserves a second season!!!
They did renew Life Unexpected.
Once again, CW cancel’s shows that I become a fan of. Not everyone loves action, drama and cop showa. Last year it was Privilaged and this year Melrose Place. I will not watch any new shows this year. I give my valuable time for nothing. Here I come Kristie Alley and Gene. Reality shows ONLY!!!
The CW is better about cancelling shows than most other networks,,,,Fox is the kiss of death for good shows….but NBC kills me…..I really got attached to “Trauma” and “Mercy”…great story lines there….hope they get picked up by other networks and cable…..the only good news on NBC was tht “Chuck” would be back. It’s now the only shop I’ll watch on NBC…it’s gone right down the drain…..probably time to roast the peacock and serve it for Thanksgiving! As for the CW…”Supernatural” is my favorite show….period! I’d hate to see it go….ever! also love “Vampire Diaries”, and “Smallville”….only CBS entertains me as… Read more »
The CW is better about cancelling shows than most other networks,,,,Fox is the kiss of death for good shows….but NBC kills me…..I really got attached to “Trauma” and “Mercy”…great story lines there….hope they get picked up by other networks and cable…..the only good news on NBC was tht “Chuck” would be back. It’s now the only shop I’ll watch on NBC…it’s gone right down the drain…..probably time to roast the peacock and serve it for Thanksgiving! As for the CW…”Supernatural” is my favorite show….period! I’d hate to see it go….ever! also love “Vampire Diaries”, and “Smallville”….only CBS entertains me as… Read more »