FOX has ordered the TV show pilot for Chad: An American Boy, co-created by Scream Queens‘ Nasim Pedrad with Rob Rosell. A single-camera comedy, Chad: An American Boy features Ms. Pedrad as the title character — a 14-year-old boy who must assume the role of man of the house. He is burdened with all the duties of adulthood, yet reaps none of benefits.
Pedrad and Rosell, are executive producing with director Jason Winer, Michael Rotenberg, and Dave Becky. The project comes from 20th Century Fox TV. 5/15/2019 Update: TBS has ordered this TV show to series with the title Chad. Details here.
Read Pedrad’s statement, via Deadline:
“I’m thrilled to be able to portray a Middle Eastern family not working for or against Jack Bauer on network TV,” said Pedrad, who is Iranian American. “Also, a big thank you to Fox for understanding that my true essence is that of an awkward and misguided 14-year-old boy.”
What do you think? Do you think FOX will end up ordering Chad: An American Boy as a TV series? How do you like the premise?
Gee, still no reason on earth to watch Fox. Where do they come up with this crap?