Is there no justice? TNT has cancelled the Cold Justice TV show. Star and former crime scene investigator, Yolanda McClary, has confirmed the cancellation via her verified Facebook account. Cold Justice no longer shows up on TNT’s show list. It is also not listed under TNT properties on Tuner’s press website.
An unscripted procedural drama from Dick Wolf, Wolf Films, and Magical Elves Productions, Cold Justice featured McClary and former prosecutor Kelly Siegler, investigating unsolved murder cases.
Last July, Deadline reported TNT, Wolf Films, Magical Elves, Siegler, McClary, and Alan Brown were sued by an acquitted murder suspect featured on Cold Justice, for civil rights violations, negligence, and intentional torts. There is no word on why the show was cancelled.
In April a fan posted to McClary’s Facebook page, asking if Cold Justice was returning. McClary replied, “I’m afraid not. But, we had a good run and I’m so thankful for all the fans that I look at as friends in my life now. I feel blessed by you all.”
A week and a half later, another fan posed the same question (and asked after McClary’s dogs). McClary said, “The show was cancelled by TNT. The production company is trying to find a new network. My dogs are doing great! Sammy is 7 months old already and as big as a mini horse. Lol.”
In the comments of one of McClary’s posts, another fan asked when Cold Justice would be back. On May 2nd, McClary replied, “I’m sorry. I don’t have any answers on that. If it gets picked up and when they have a shoot schedule, I’m sure a post will go out. ”
The official Cold Justice show page on Facebook has not been updated since January 26, 2016.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Cold Justice TV series? Was TNT right to cancel Cold Justice, or should it have been renewed for a fourth season?
Please bring the show back
“Cold Justice” is an excellent show, and I am excited about its return, this time on the Oxygen network. I’ve watched every episode through S02E17.
Kelly Siegler and Yolanda McClary produce excellent, professional results in a very short time. The main problem seems to be spineless District Attorneys who won’t take these results before a grand jury. Driven by political aspirations, they only want to prosecute “slam dunk” cases, which never occur without a confession in 20-year-old cold cases, as investigated by the show.
COLD JUSTICE IS COMING BACK!!!! I just seen a commercial on the Oxygen channel, and it premieres in July with ALL NEW cases!!!
Please bring Cold Justice back!! Loved the show!!
I’ve been a fan…Please bring back Cold Justice!!
Well I’m looking at 48hrs The Alternate Suspect and Kelly Siegler is the prosecuter being blamed as a Cheater….The 2004 case of David Temple as the defendant. I believe this case had a lot to do with the Reason Cold Justice was Canceled!!!! The network didn’t want to be associated with that or this type of problicity.
You need to do a little research about Kelly Siegler’s career chronology. She left her job as a prosecutor due to misconduct in several of her cases. Specifically, though required by law, she withheld evidence from the defense, rather sleazily stating, “If we didn’t believe it was factual, we didn’t share it”. THEN, she was offered the “Cold Justice” show.
Renew the show I love it!!!
They should of had another season. I love that show.
I’m deviated. I will be watching again, someone has to bring this wonderful show back.
I am saddened that the show was cancelled. However I do not feel they were wrong (Cold Justice team) They did their jobs as highly skilled ppl. Who’s to say Noffsinger is innocent,it simply means to me that he was acquitted because the case wasn’t solid. He got lucky. Hope to see the show return..
Love this show it has a purpose & not like the JUNK that seems to be on every channel-it was making a difference!
My husband and I loved this show. Please bring it back.
Since it’s been about a year since this article was written, does anyone know anymore information about why this show was cancelled? My guess would be because they “accused” the wrong person, and he/she got upset and sued them. Am I getting warm? They’re quite hard on the people they interview, and if I was innocent and they put me through the same stuff they put the others through… I’d be PISSED! (I want to use a stronger word, but I don’t want my post to get deleted – so I’ll stick to the word “pissed”) It’s one thing to… Read more »
That is crap! It was a really great show and it ACTUALLY Had a Purpose!!! I guess they had to cancel a good show in order to show crappy movies and the even worse NBA!!! I wish someone (maybe JUSTICE TV!?!) will pick it up!!!
Im with u Mike. Nobody makes these ppl sit through an interrogation u have the right to an attorney, interview over. So these ppl must have known something.
PLEASE bring this show back!