The CW has dropped Cult from the schedule and cancelled plans for future airings. There are six installments left unaired.
The low-rated thriller series was shipped to Fridays after a disappointing premiere and it’s performed dismally there, even for a Friday show.
There’s no word on what will become of the leftover episodes but CW execs supposedly liked what they saw.
Essentially conceding the cancellation, series creator Rockne S. O’Bannon wrote, “#Cult Sadly true. CW Execs once called the last 5 episodes “outstanding”. I guess too outstanding. You are great, SMART fans. Thx to u all!”
Reruns of The Carrie Diaries and Oh Sit!will fill the timeslot for the foreseeable future.
What do you think? Are you sorry to hear that Cult has been cancelled? Would you purchase the show on DVD to see the unaired episodes?
Very disappointed!!!
As Stated by J Power, Another Damn Decent Show Cancelled before its due… Damn Dumb$hit Networks….At air the other 6 episode Dumbasses…. Finish what you have and give the people what they want…. Cult… NOT Carrie Diaries or Oh Sit…..
Another promising series cut too early. I am so disappointed that interesting shows get cut and garbage is kept on for years. If they put the rest online or on DVD I would definitely watch them.
I would buy the dvd…as I would have with Ringer and Secret Circle all of which the CW neglected to put out on dvd
I agree Bill, my sentiments exactly, I liked all those shows plus wrote to Shout Factory to suggest these releases…they usually pick up what stations ignore as far as DVDs….I would love to see the rest of Cult and would buy the DVDs in a heartbeat
Maybe this show offended many of the real (and dangerous cults) that exist.
Love this show. Every darn time I start watching a new GOOD show it gets cancelled.BRING IT BACK!!!!!!
I loved the serie. Had to Download it cause it want aired in Holland but a lot of my friend enjoyed it every week as was I.
hopefully it will be on DVD out Blu-Ray so we can watch how it will end.
It’s a shame that it’s all about the money
I loved Cult from the very first episode. I am not home on Friday evenings to watch it but have been catching up on episodes online. I’m crushed to hear it’s been cancelled and that the already filmed episodes won’t even be shown? What kind of deal is that?
CW, please reconsider!! As Beverly said above, this show took intelligence to watch. Maybe that was a problem? Please tell me there are enough of us left out here who don’t want just mindless drivel as entertainment!!!
Take a facebook, Twitter or any other website pull and see how many people who actually watches the episodes.. then please come back and actually tell us if we really watch it or not
Are you freaking kidding me.. I love this show.. low rating my ass, we record it because well I work 2jobs, if only they count dvr as a rating.. I would def. Buy the episodes if it was on DVD but why cancel it until you truly know.
I just wanna kill cw right now..
I can’t believe what I am reading I love the show cult it was getting really good I want more more more
Pretty sad to see this cut!
The show was suspensful and had me wanting
To know the next twisted plot.
Bad choice i feel to pull it so fast.
I totally agree with your statement.. I mean, seriously it brought me in.. wanted to know more
I am very disapointed and ashamed of CW for at least not airing all the episodes. This show took intelligence to watch, and you are giving in to low brow entertainment instead.
If it were not for Cult and Supernatural there would be NOTHING to watch on the CW.
I really loved the show Cult. I’m so mad they cancelled it. They could have at least played the whole season. Now I’ll never know what happens.
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Maybe it’ll attract the attention of CW. And if not, it never hurt.