In advance of the February 26 Netflix premiere of Fuller House, the cast of the original Full House TV series reunited on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, to help the host spoof Donald Trump, former host of NBC‘s The Apprentice TV series and current GOP Presidential front-runner. Watch it, above.
In a replica of Michelle Tanner’s Full House bedroom, Fallon’s Trump wakes from a bad dream, calling for dad. In a brilliant performance, Fallon manages to evoke both Trump and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s Michelle, at the same time. Soon, Danny Tanner (Bob Saget), Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier) and Uncle Jesse Katsopolis (John Stamos) arrive on the scene to quell wee Donald’s fears about the 2016 election.
While his Trump takes a jab at his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, Fallon also ribs his guests’ Full House sequel with the line, “You guys are right. I have to stay in the race, otherwise a Clinton will be in the White House, again. I mean who wants to see something from the ’90s come back in 2016?”
At that, Lori Loughlin, Candace Cameron Bure, and Jodie Sweetin enter the room. When Cameron Bure’s DJ asks why Donald is awake, he replies, “Well, Deej, I was trying to have a heart-to-heart with my three dads until you guys interrupted me. How rude!” Sweetin’s Stephanie even calls him out for stealing her catch phrase.
The skit was full of Full House riffs, including Donald getting touchy when hair-bear Uncle Jesse pats Trump’s signature coif. Andrea Barber’s Kimmy Gibbler then enters without an invitation, as was the character’s wont. In a nod to this country’s current immigration policy debate, Trump suggested building a giant wall, to keep her out — and then make her pay for it.
Uncle Jesse delivers a moral-to-the story, common to the original Full House series. He and Aunt Becky (Loughlin) then lock lips. The players begin to recite the lyrics to the Full House theme song and finally burst into song.
Tongue-in-cheek, Danny tells Donald, “And just remember, Donald, if you win and become president, that’s great, but if you lose and don’t become president, we’ll be even prouder.” Trump responds, “You got it, dude.”
What do you think? Did you enjoy the Full House reunion and political satire? Do you plan to check out the Fuller House TV show when it drops to Netflix? Let us know, below.