Word is that ABC is considering the possibility of moving General Hospital to primetime during the summer months.
While the ratings for ABC’s only remaining soap opera aren’t very strong (especially by primetime standards), the show is comparatively inexpensive to produce. Episodes cost approximately $200,000 to make and primetime dramas which can cost more than a million.
There’s of course also the possibility that General Hospital will stay in daytime. ABC has said that they’d be releasing the final hour of daytime (2pm Central or 3pm Eastern/Pacific) back to the affiliates in September 2012, so they can fill it with their own programming. That will leave three hours of daytime for ABC to schedule.
The View is a huge success so that’s not going anywhere. ABC-owned stations have committed to a new Katie Couric talk show for fall and that will fill another hour. That leaves one hour left up for grabs. The Chew and The Revolution aren’t performing as well as the soaps they replaced but are cheaper to produce. Only one of them, or General Hospital, will likely survive.
Another possibility is that ABC could produce General Hospital for first-run syndication. This solution would allow ABC affiliates to keep the show in its current timeslot, if they chose to buy it. If not, other stations in the broadcast area could pick up the soap and put it in an available timeslot. As with any daytime solution, the declining viewership and cost would likely be a deterrent.
What do you think? Could GH realistically make a move to primetime for limited summer runs? Would you be in favor of that solution?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Please don’t move General Hospital………..I have watched this to long to admit. Please you have taken 2 soap operas off… Please Please leave us this one……………
How long are we going to have to suffer with The Revolution!
Rae » I would guess at least until September.
Like it or not General Hospital is going OFF THE AIR. Many ABC affiliates around the nation don’t even have a spot for General Hospital in their afternoon line up come September when The Katie Couric show debuts at 3:00 pm.{My husband works for an ABC affiliate in Seattle}Eight ABC-owned stations covering nearly one-quarter of the nation’s population, including stations in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, have agreed to air the show in their 3 p.m. ET time slots, ABC said.http://www.accesshollywood.com/katie-couric-announces-daytime-talk-show-with-abc_article_48913 Its enviable that the show will go, as ABC is wanting to save money and WHY would they… Read more »
First of all, there are older, homebound people that have watched these soaps for years. All the new reality shows mostly suck. People get on tv & make fools of themselves. It’s nice to take time out of your day to escapes reality. ABC will lose money and a lot of their audience for taking General Hospital off the air. Its bad enough they took Days & OLTL off, which were very good shows. But to take the only remainder soap off air is bad for business. I think Katy Couric gets enough time on tv as it is without… Read more »
One show a week during the summer would be better than NOTHING, but like others have posted, I don’t want it just for the summer… I really like 5 episodes a week, I love having my daily escape… There are so many things ABC could do… one idea would be to have a GH SPIN-OFF during primetime… I would personally love to see Spinelli, Maxie (Kirsten Storms), Johnny, Jason and Sam on during primetime on a SPIN-OFF which focuseson the PI biz that Sam and Spinelli started, Jason and Johnny having been pardoned in order to bring down Sonny, Jason… Read more »
Soapnet is going off the air in March. It’s being replaced by another form of a Disney channel.
I vote to keep GH where it is. I think ABC will come to realize The Chew & The Revolution was a huge mistake. I haven’t watched even a segment of either. I am that annoyed how they ended the soaps and played ads for the replacement shows ad nausea during their final weeks on the air.
Why not just put GH on Soap Net??
Cheryl D. » Because SoapNet is ending in the next couple months.
Syndicate GH,There well be tons of viewers when they ONE LIFE TO LIVE acters. One life was so strong ,ABC dropped the ball when they ax it. Moreover you need to find a way to give credit when a show is recored or tivo-ed.Michael C. needs more air time,he is always interesting.
I think it a mistake.People have nighttime shows they watch and its not gonna pick up night time veiwers.I really think they just want excuse to get rid of it comparing it to other networks primetime shows.No other network would dare so this.ABC just wants an excuse to get rid of it.
I thing they should keep General Hospital right where it is and they should put Katie at 4 pm and put the news at 5 & 6
I thought they was going to give the hour to the aff. in hopes they would put KC show their because it is in sydication. That would leave the chiew, rev, and GH to fill the remaining two spots. That is what I thought anyways.
I find both shows The Chew and Revolution to be insulting to an intelligent tv pm audience. I have changed to other networks except for one show: General Hospital.
I have one word that decribes “The Revolution ” LAME
I don’t want GH in primetime. I want it to stay in the afternoon. BUT if it a choice of primtime or nothing I’ll take the primetime. Primtime is better than nothing……….I certainly don’t want them to only run if for the summer!
I think you may be comparatively mistaken.
$200,000 x 5 days = 1,000,000
$1 million x 1 episode = 1,000,000
phil » I don’t believe they’re considering running it five days a week. There’s no way they’d give up a third of their weekday schedule to one show.
[…] do you think? Realistically, do you think General Hospital will survive into the 2012-13 season? What about primetime? Do you think The Revolution or The Chew will see a second […]