According to the NY Post, ABC is considering a reality show version of General Hospital. The show would revolve around the personal and professional lives of doctors and nurses who work at a Los Angeles hospital (rather than fictional Port Charles, New York).
The new show is apparently in the very early stages of development and filming has quietly begun at UCLA Medical Center. ABC is said to be considering this new “General Hospital” show for the daytime schedule.
The crazy thing is that 50-year-old General Hospital could end up being replaced by a reality show version of itself. Though the soap opera has been performing well this season — reportedly rising 18% in total viewers year-to-year (2.37 to 2.81 million) — the network is still on the look out for ways to expand their audience and cut costs.
What do you think? Is ABC considering replacing General Hospital with a reality show version? Would you check it out?
Oh wow a reality show. What a new and different idea . Yawn !! This is why ABC is entrenched in last place . Fire Ann Sweeney and her 2001 approach to television
This is pure craziness on the part of ABC, GH is doing a great job and I would never watch anything that replaces it and at this point if ABC chooses to do this they are making a HUGE mistake and I won’t watch them EVER again.
Another BIG mistake being made by ABC. Another reality show is not what we want to watch. GH has been a daily show for me since 1979. That is a long time to be watching a single show. I am sure there are many more like me out there. This Genre does not need to end. So many Actors have gotten there starts on Soaps and to take them away from them and us is just wrong. ABC has lost so many viewers that are only watching GH now and nothing else on ABC you would think that they would… Read more »
I think that abc is on crack!!!! They know they made a huge mistake and yet they want to make another one????? It’s just ridiculous and I won’t watch it
ABC is just completely gone crazy greedy. Cancel General Hospital for another doomed reality show. I will never watch any of ABC replacement shows. And for the few months GH has been the number one daytime show in the 18-34 age group and their ratings continue to climb. Who in their right mind cancel a Show with such great ratings… Only one ABC. All of ABC other daytime shows have dropped and lost viewers. Currently all I watch on ABC daytime is GH.
Not suprised at all. ABC/Disney would show paint drying 24/7 if it would give them strong ratings. All I know is if they do get rid of GH I have no reason to watch that network. (BTW this is coming from a 21 year old woman).
We are sick of reality TV. I have boycotted everything on ABC/DISNEY since they cancelled One Life To Live. If they take General Hospital off the air I will never watch their network again. We have also boycotted prime time……did you notice how none of the new shows made it and are being cancelled. Any good business person listens to it’s customers. ABC does the opposite and their ratings show it.They are not leaders but followers. That is why they are always behind the eight ball. The networks are saturated with talk shows so they add another ???? Doesn’t make… Read more »
Will never watch ABCD if they take GH off. GH is all I watch now. I want to see OLTL back on tv. Until then abc is crap.
what is wrong with these people you took two of our soaps away GH is better than ever stop messing with the people who watch your shows u will loss us all I only watch gh and nothing else on your network. Please keep GH as it is I will not watch the new one.
NO WAY!!! Not interested even if it were at night. Just leave the only soap left on ABC alone and move on please.
Agree this is bull. GH has been going up in the ratings!!
If they cancel GH for this stupid fake reality ****, I am never watching ABC ever again…
i will never watch ABC AGAIN
It is now really the beginning of the end of daytime tv we only have one soap opera show on ABC/NBC Network and two on CBS network and y&r on CBS the writing is just awful and B&B is just noting but the Liam, Hope Steffy show and its very pointless. No wonder our beloved Susan Flanery who played Stephanie Forrester and Ronn Moss who played Ridge Forrester both wanted of their shows after 25yrs the creative control over that show is making it the Liam, Hope Steffy show and for those reasons along is more than likely why Susan… Read more »
Absolutely not. There are too many ridiculous reality shows. Leave gh alone!
Why would they add one more reality show to the mass that already exists.? GH is my guilty pleasure. I record and watch it daily! It is great to have that place to go to unwind before tackeling the at home duties? Please don’t take another of the soaps of the air.