Disney Channel/Ron Tom
Girl Meets World was recently cancelled. One of the stars of Boy Meets World, who appeared sporadically on the new series, recently spoke about the series ending, and he has his own thoughts on why the series did not work. Those involved with the series are now trying to save it, but the series finale will air soon.
Girl Meets World has its home on Disney Channel, and the actor pointed to that being the issue with the series. Disney held the series back. He said the following, per TV Line:
“I think what Boy Meets World and Girl Meets World tapped into is that there’s actually a huge segment of that age group, you know… the target age group from 8 all the way up to 16ish, that is very melodramatic and that does see life as ‘It’s all fun,’ and then the rug gets pulled out from under you. I think Michael [Jacobs], to his credit, really wrote well for that [age group], and he still does. We’ve had some very dramatic episodes [of Girl Meets World]. I don’t think as dramatic as Boy, mostly because we’re on Disney Channel and they won’t allow us to. I think had Michael had his way, Girl Meets World would have swung just as extreme. “When you do a tonal shift like that — I think Boy Meets World missed the mark almost as often as it nailed the mark, honestly — for some people that tonal shift will never work.”
Disney Channel released their own statement after Strong’s comment. The network said:
“Disney Channel is committed to presenting age-appropriate, entertaining, optimistic and empowering stories for our core viewers, age 6-14, and we’re proud of the heartfelt and comedic stories that Girl Meets World brought to fans for over 70 episodes.”
Would Girl Meets World have survived to a fourth season on another network? Tell us what you think.
I wish Disney had like an older teenage station so GMW maybe could have lived on. It’s a shame, it was the best show for early teens since BMW. Disney needs to unclean its image a bit, too squeaky.
It’s the writers fault. They’re so busy trying to shove life lessons and morals down our throats that forgot to write a show that was actually funny or entertaining. Girl Meets World was boring and depressing to watch.
My family loved the series. We watched it together every new episode. If the series was to continue.. I would still watch it with or without my kids. I grew usher with boys meet world. We would support the series on any channel that will air it.
No I really want it to keep going girl meets world help me through a lot of things and I don’t want it to end at all even if they say it for a joke it’s not funny
I do think it would survive on a different network. The show has awesome dynamics and great morals that I would love to see continue. And being on another network could allow them to expand those things on a new level.
So sad that Disney doesn’t see the value in this show. One of only 2 shows on Disney that deal with strong family values and the value of friendship (stuck in the middle is the other) But keep adding those mock-your-friends, everything that’s wrong with social media exploitation “bizarvark” episodes Disney executives. My 9 year old daughter is a huge fan of GMW. My wife and I join her for each episode and explain things to her that may be a little more mature for her. It’s a solid family show that lightheartedly taps into real world issues. My only… Read more »
Having it be on the Disney channel was a mistake in the first place given their target demographic it was never a right fit from the start because while Girl Meets World was lighter in tone than Boy Meets World ever was (even when you compare both shows first seasons) someone should have seen this issue coming and had a plan for it because it’s obvious kids grow up and with that comes more age appropriate situations and subject matter, if Disney was unwilling to let the kids grow as they should they should have never taken the series on.… Read more »
My favorite show on tv and am devastated it’s ending. Hands down would have made it on another channel. I’m 33 and grew up with BMW and was so thankful for GMW was taking on the things young people go through, but each episode moved ME at age 33. Tears were shed as these characters, old and new, dealt with real life. This is a series that will be purchased for me to own forever and am so sad they won’t have the opportunity to continue to grow up before our eyes and evolve.
I think Girl Meets World would do very well on a major Network on Primetime I know I’m would love to see it on ABC.
I would love it if girl meets world could continue on another network. I’m a big fan. I grew up with boy meets world, I’d watch it with my mom and now my brother is growing up with girl meets world. It’s just all around great and we would appreciate this series continuing on.