The Healer is coming soon! The new series will follow the life and career of Charlie Goldsmith as he is sought out to heal people around the world.
TLC revealed more about this new series in a press release. Check that out below.
“When Charlie Goldsmith was 18 he discovered that he had an ability to heal people that defies belief and what we know about human capability. An energy healer like no other from Melbourne, Australia, THE HEALER follows Charlie’s life and work as he is sought after by athletes, celebrities and people from all walks of life hoping to be cured of their chronic and debilitating ailments. The ability to heal is a power that many are skeptical of, and he’s on a path working with scientists and medical professionals to bring credibility to his work. Charlie often visits the United States to continue spreading awareness to his often-misunderstood approach to healing. He has helped relieve people from chronic injuries, auto immune conditions, infections, severe body pain, inflammation, allergies and many other conditions often taking less than 60 seconds. The premiere episode features Diamond, 38 from Apple Valley, CA who suffers from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and heavily relies on her family for all physical tasks; Anthony, 18 and from Glendora, California, who experiences severe joint pain and frequent migraines due to having Lyme Disease and actress Jennifer Grey who has had chronic neck pain since she was in a car accident 30 years ago. THE HEALER is produced by Bunim/Murray Productions for TLC.
Join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #TheHealer, and learn more about Charlie Goldsmith and his unique gift on”
Will you check out The Healer? Tell us what you think.
Very impressed. My son has chronic nerve pain. Doctors are puzzled. He has such terrible pain has thought about suicide. Could really use Charlie’s help. Please consider seeing him. Doctors have not given him any relieve. This is the only chance I see for him to have a normal life with his family. Thank you for your consideration.
Wonderful show! Inspiring! And like thousands of others I would love to have a session ! Chronic pain for 35 years and a myriad of diagnosis. MS, fibromyalgia, degenerative spinal disease, and lymes (which is what I think is behind most if not all my issues) it’s hard to give up all that one loves . My husband is a doctor and does not believe in alternative methods would love to see his reaction! Anyway..blessings to Charlie, TLC (for getting it out there) and all those healers out there who truly care and try.
Love this show, he is amazing!!! I wish I could make an appointment with him. I have been suffering with chronic pain from fibromyalgia for years. This condition is brutal & stops your life dead in it’s tracks. I can’t walk 5 steps without severe pain in my back & my knee. Please let me know if there is anyway that I can see this amazing man!!!!
Love, love this show, I am so impressed. I wish I could see him, I have been iLL for many years. I suffer with fibromyalgia for many, many years. I used to be an actress when this brutal condition stopped my life dead in it’s tracks. Is there any way possible that I can see this amazing guy!!! Thank you.
So grateful TLC is airing The Healer because I think this is a purpose for some and many persons would use it for selfish reason–I saw the Nov 6 episode and it is very inspiring just to witness this as I think we need to show a healing power free to all and release this knowledge out—and show unselfishness in its use—Charlie is honest and humble, this is rare. So glad for TLC bold steps.
I would love to contact Mr. Goldsmith. How can I do that?I am 72 years old and have chronic body pain. Can anyone get his help?
I love this show and will watch every Monday. Please contact me at my email.
Pat P
by the way I luv the show .when I heard the title I looked for and put it on record.
I have arthritis on my spine ,I have had back surgery .And I need a knee replacement because of arthritis .Have pain everyday .Some days worse then others .I am 75 years old .Still feeling the pain after the surgery.
yes I luv the show .i have had back surgery and I am still in pain I need a knee replacement and in severe pain .i have arthritis down my whole even my neck and shoulder has been effected .i am a senior finally left my husband of fifty years now I am falling apart .i know that their are others who have more serious illnesses .but it would be a great blessing for me if I could live the years I have left free from able to have a pain free day .
My daughter is almost 30 years old and has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Chiari Malformation. She is a wonderful mother to her four year old daughter and can’t even get on the floor to play with her because of her dislocations and chronic pain. It would be a miracle if Charlie could help her in any way so she can have a better quality of life. Blessings
OMG, I know a couple (3) people that could really benefit from Charlie’s “gift”! One is my husband, who has RA and a few other health issues. One is my sister-in-law, who suffer from Lupus. It is so debilitating, for (to) her! The last, is a friend of my husband, who is suffering from a paralyzing surgery (6 years ago). He has been in so much pain that he hasn’t wanted to live. But his family has pulled together and doing everything they can, for him. He is close to losing his home and business. The last persons issue is… Read more »
There are MANY of us practicing energy healing across the US. We must advocate and educate ourselves. It’s exciting to see a TV showing exposing this! Energy healing has nothing to do with beliefs. The practitioner opens a doorway (if you will) and the client moves into ‘all’ possibilities of change. There are a variety of healing modalities depending on the type of practitioner you seek out. Google is a great resource. Blessings of well-being.
Mary, if you are a healer and not just in it for the money but to help people, that would be wonderful. Maybe you could let us know where you live (I mean the state) so we could ask for help. I live in Eureka Ca and there are several people up here needing help, just like other state. Charlie if you could maybe just go state by state for a month or something, you could help so many. I do not know how hard it is on you to help people. Such a blessing. May God bless you and… Read more »
Wow you are fantastic, please let me know how to get an appointment with you. I live in northern Ontario, Canada, but will fly anywhere in the states to see you Charlie. I was hit by a drunk driver 14 years ago and my life stopped, the chronic pain is unbearable all the time!
I am 68 years old and disabled for 19 years I live with pain 24/7. I saw this program and pray that it is real. I live on pain medication and hate it. I wish I knew how to get in touch with Charlie to ask him to try to help me I don’t know what it would be like to not have pain my life is so miserable please help me
Love the show. Hope so much that it is the real thing. There is still so much to learn about the unknown.