After three seasons, ABC Family’s Kyle XY TV show is coming to an end. Will viewers get answers to the ongoing storylines about the young man without a belly button?
Kyle XY centers around a young man (Matt Dallas) who wakes up in the middle of a Seattle forest — naked and without a memory. The police call in psychologist Nicole Trager (Marguerite MacIntyre) for assistance and she ends up bringing him home. Her husband Stephen (Bruce Thomas), daughter Lori (April Matson), and son Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) almost immediately take to “Kyle” and make him feel like part of the family. He begins to show incredible intelligence and physical abilities that lead the Tragers to realize there’s far more to Kyle than meets the eye. Others in the series include Chris Olivero, Kirsten Prout, Jaimie Alexander, Nicholas Lea, Chelan Simmons, Magda Apanowicz, Martin Cummins, Leah Cairns, J. Eddie Peck, Teryl Rothery, Conrad Coates, Cory Monteith, Josh Zuckerman, Kurt Max Runte, and Malcolm Stewart.
The show premiered on June 26, 2006 on ABC Family and became an instant hit. It attracted 2.6 million viewers and became the cable network’s highest-rated show to date. The pilot was repeated on ABC and over 5.2 million people watched. The first season was made up of 10 episodes and the show was quickly renewed for a second year.
Kyle continued to enjoy very healthy ratings into the second season. They were so good that ABC Family ended up ordering 23 episodes, a longer season than most series on the major networks. In May 2007, ABC Family president Paul Lee proudly said, “Kyle XY is the highest-rated show ever on ABC Family; it is truly the show that has defined this network.”
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Unfortunately, that sunny outlook didn’t continue for very long once the ratings started to fall in the latter part of season two. Kyle’s third season’s premiere episode attracted just 1.5 million viewers and other ABC Family shows outperformed it by a wide margin.
ABC Family has just announced the renewal of two shows — Greek and Lincoln Heights — as well as the cancellation of Kyle. No details were given for the cancellation but the decline in ratings, higher production costs, and castmember contracts coming up for renewal are all believed to be contributing factors.
The third season of Kyle kicked off on January 12th and is expected to conclude on March 16th. It seems likely that the network will continue to air all of the episodes on schedule.
Because the series finale was shot well before the cancellation news came down, it seems unlikely that all of the show’s ongoing storylines will be resolved when the last episode airs. Will fans get the answers they’re looking for or will they be left hanging forever?
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Image courtesy ABC Family.
The people (ABC Family) are busy canceling shows all the time and it’s really getting unacceptable that’s how many shows you’re canceling and it’s not aboit rating or bad thins if you go search kylexy Tv show and you scroll down then you’ll see there’s a voting pad that says “Should kyle Xy be cancelled?” “Yes, its not very good.(2%) Maybe,its an okay show (1%%) No! Are you kidding?(97%)” so that’s what’s there and you want to come and tell me that 97% of the people who voted and said no that it shouldn’t be cancelled and you still went… Read more »
i just got done watching kyle xy i spent the last looking for the next episode
only to find out that it was canceled what a stupid way to end it. they need to bring it back and end it wright the producer must of ran out of money. i would like to get my hands on him and choke it out of him i was so mad.
Even if this show is cancelled, there needs to be a close to the story line. To just leave the public hanging with finding out Kyle has a brother and he has been working for him . . . well that just leaves huge questions that need to be told! This doesn’t mean we need more shows, it just means sharing the end of all the drama in word form! At the very least, write the 4th season ending to the series in book form for us to read!!!
Ridiculous that ABC canceled kyl xy, the way that they did
I don’t feel it’s right that you guys take kylex y off on season 3 episode 10 on the biggest Cliffhanger ever when Kyle gets told that that his enemy is his brother and you guys decided to just blow off Kyle XY because of rating drops that’s BS and you guys know it you don’t leave someone on the biggest Cliffhanger and then tell them they’re not going to be making a fourth season I feel really messed up over not being able to know what is going on between Kyle and Cassidy and whether their actual brothers or… Read more »
Remember that some times when you have a great program you want to maintain it even in sequences