Longmire returned for a fourth season to Netflix, but will fans see season five? They are certainly hoping so. In fact, fans have planned a huge online event for Wednesday that they hope will get the attention of Netflix.
They want season five, and they are willing to bombard Netflix’s social media pages to get it. The online event is being staged by the Longmire Posse. A post on their Facebook revealed the group’s plans for the event.
“Be sure to join the Stampede next Wednesday night! It is so important that we demonstrate to Netflix that we are as engaged as ever! During the hour long Stampede, every share on Facebook of a Longmire Posse post, will go directly to Netflix & Longmire pages, as they will be tagged in every post! If you tweet, be sure to retweet all content with the hashtag on the poster, and @netflix in the tweet – as those too, will be seen by Netflix.”
According to Christian Today, one of the members of the cast, Ally Walker, spoke about the potential for a fifth season of the series, and she thinks the series will return.
“I think there is a possibility that I’m going back, and if you watch it, there’s a really interesting little cliffhanger that you’ll see at the end of this year. So I’m pretty sure I’m going back, and we’ll see what happens.”
Longmire started as a series on A&E, but it was cancelled by the network after season three. Netflix decided to save the series. Will it save it again? Season four premiered on the streaming service on September 10, and fans have been waiting for renewal news ever since.
Do you want a fifth season of Longmire? Tell us what you think.
we love this show!!!! Please renew it!!
Absolutely we want a 5th season and a sixth and a seventh… One of my favorite shows on television. Great cast and the New Mexico scenery is almost like home.
Season 4 was long awaited and was great after the disappointment of the show being cancelled by A&E. This is absolutely one of the better shows in all of TV and I would hate to see it end without another season. Netflix has got to see what a prize they have and if they don’t they sure don’t pay attention. I may not be the age that A&E targets but I am of an age that I know what is good and what I enjoy watching. Not everyone spends their time watching one scripted reality show after another. Great job… Read more »
Longmire is one of the best show on TV today!
The acting is great and it is a relief considering there isn’t much on TV that is this good! My husband and I are avid fans and won’t miss an episode. We really hope Netflix keeps renewing this great and entertaining show!!
I was in the original Posse and we simply must have a Season 5. There’s too many unresolved issues — Henry/Walt and the Doctor/Cady – so yeah we need Season 5!
Longmire is such a refreshing change from some of the garbage networks have been airing. I started watching Longmire since it’s pilot on A&E. I bet they are kicking themselves now. Longmire has become one of the best shows ever. Please give us season 5 Netflix.
I bought Netflix because of Longmire. Please continue with season 5
Most definitely ! Not just a fifth season but many more!
Loe Longmire. One of the reasons I keep Netflix. I also have HuluPlus and Acorn, so I don’t need Netflix except for certain shows.
Longmire has been a terrific show since the beginning! Smart, briliantly written and filmed, amazing cast, terrific locations and wonderful story lines. A&E screwed up huge when they cancelled Longmire! And to see some of the crap that is on there now? Pathetic. Thank you Netflix for Season 4. Please keep Longmire coming. ….Season 5 and beyond!
Was in the original Posse Stampeded from the Beginning! Every week faithfully Tweeting and Facebooking for the return of Longmire! Netflix heard our battle cry and Saved The Greatest Show ever on TV! We Will be so ever grateful! We our Loyal Netflix Veiwers! Are just asking that we will have a Season 5, 6, 7 and so on! PLEASE continue LONGMIRE>
This show is amazing! We definitely need a season 5 you just can’t leave us hanging like that! Especially since I got my husband hooked on this show as well. It’s hard to watch one show and wait a week he laughs at me because when a season comes out. It’s a Longmire Marathon!!! I hope there will be a lot more seasons to come.
Joined Netflix just so I could see Longmire. Please Please continue offering this wonderful series. Well written, funny, serious, good acting, everything needed for a great show.
great show. Robert Taylor makes Walt Longmire come alive, great actor, cast is wonderful, writers, directors, production, staff all do such a wonderful work on season 4, please Netflix gives us 5 more seasons, thx
Yes I want more that a 5th season! I want it to continue for years!