Lucifer has been a lead character on a handful of TV series over the years but the shows rarely last more than a season or two. How will Lucifer perform on FOX? Will the ratings be good or very bad? Cancelled or renewed for a second season? Stay tuned.
On the Lucifer TV show, Lucifer Morningstar (Tom Ellis) has abandoned his throne and retired to Los Angeles. Charming, charismatic and devilishly handsome, he’s enjoying his retirement while owning a nightclub. His bliss is disturbed when a beautiful pop star is brutally murdered outside of his club. He starts to have feelings of compassion for the first time in billions of years and ends up helping a homicide detective (Lauren German). The rest of the cast includes Lesley-Ann Brandt, Kevin Alejandro, Rachael Harris, D. B. Woodside, and Scarlett Estevez.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — usually the next day, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
4/7 update: FOX has renewed Lucifer for a second season. Details here.
4/26 update: You can see the rest of the latest night’s ratings.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Note: Note: These are the Live + Same Day Ratings which include “live” viewing plus delayed DVR viewing, up until 3am local time that same night. Ratings marked with an “*” are the fast affiliate ratings and will be updated with the Live+SD numbers when they are made available. Typically, networks get paid for C+3 ratings which includes DVR viewing within three days of the original airing when commercials are watched. Those numbers are rarely released to the press.
What do you think? Do you like the Lucifer TV show? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a second season?
I like this show. Perfect casting Tom Ellus as Lucifer. I was upset when his last show Rush was cancelled so I hope this one sticks around .
It is sad that the people that are most opinionated with the biggest mouth are the most condemning while sitting up on their high horse seem to have no problem titling themselves as good Christians. One of the most shocking hate filled groups of so called pure good Christians whose supposed purpose in life is to do God’s work, were out on a corner with signs so filled with hate and condemning statements it was evil. They were protesting against abortion. I am not saying I am all for abortion. But there are certain circumstances where anyone with a functioning… Read more »
That would be the Westboro Baptist church and they are a hate group. They say that God hates muslims, jews, and gays. But God loves everyone even gay people who he doesn’t agree with. God loves all.
God also loves Lucifer.
Actually he doesn’t.
greg- how do you know who god loves and who he doesn’t? can you read god’s mind? god does still love Lucifer, since he’s also one of his children, and who are you to try to say otherwise. Your own god would call you a liar, and he would. Don’t ever try to put yourself above God’s favorite son. you don’t belong on such a high pedestal.
You are so right God loves Lucifer. Lucifer was god favorite angel. He a fallen angel but God still love him. When Lucifer talk about father who do you think father is?? Great show love it.
Of course being pro-life, is respecting you life, so you can post here. I never understand why someone would have a problem with that. So of course, Christians see the value in every person, but of course in this demented hate filled world, people have a problem with that. You do no harm, by actually not killing anyone. If you think that not OK, then start with yourself, and don’t be a hypocrite.
I agree but why are you using my name?
For all of the good people who don’t watch this show but plan on it, don’t watch it. This show spreads evil and will corrupt you. And to all of you who do watch this show, what is so good about it? Is it entertaining because of how evil it is? I just don’t understand how a person could watch this unless they don’t know the difference between right and wrong (this is not a personal attack). All of you need to stop watching this show before you are permanently corrupted like Neil Gaiman. I believe that all of you… Read more »
Greg you are obviously hell bent on being a terrible Christian since you ignore EVERY good Christian principle. So let’s talk about censorship, something which is only done by dictatorships and oppressors such as North Korea, old Russia, Hitler, Muslem extremists ect ect ect. We in North America along with the rest of the civilized world do not believe in censorship unless it is regarding a hate crime or something which promotes oppression. This show is a fabulous exploration of humanity and the effects of choices which someone makes. It’s a fabulous show!
Greg, how is it evil? As a faithful fan of the show, Lucifer shows his face only to sinners to let them know that they are going to Hell. It is not corrupting me or my wife in any way, shape, of form. Like the other person who replied to your comment said, you are a terrible Christian. Romans 2:1 You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these… Read more »
Right. No judge, as in never criticize. The sinners will have a field day.
So if someone is mugging a old lady, we just walk by? Don’t judge?
If someone is swearing at children, we just walk by? Don’t judge?
If the Nazi’s a killing jews, we just walk by? Don’t judge?
If someone is destroying their lives with bad behavior, we just walk by? Don’t judge?
You never criticize anyone?
Daytime TV is about talk shows that are judging all kinds of people. Do you say, don’t judge there also?
Action and judgement are two different things. You can’t pick and choose what commandments are worth following and which ones aren’t.
Why is it that there are some christians who can’t distinguish fiction from reality? This show is pure fiction, it’s not real. It’s based on a fantasy comic book series, which is also fiction. If the devil is able to tempt you, it’s 100% your fault, not some fairy tale book or tv show.
Gee, whatever you don’t like, Greg, makes me want to watch it!!
Do you understand Freedom of Speech? It’s our First Ammendment, that gives us freedom of religion, and protects us all from religious zealots like those jihadists who want to impose their religious beliefs on others! Please abandon your religious war on everybody who just wants to be entertained and stop imposing your religious views on us! Whatever they are! We are in a Free nation! If you don’t like it don’t watch and leave us alone. Leave your preaching needs to your church, to people who are willing to listen! This is not a church and you are out of… Read more »
This show is great entertainment to just relax and enjoy the scenery, and get a laugh while enjoying the the charismatic lucifer as he charms his way through an hour of tv fun. I hope it makes it for renewal.
Por favor do not cancel this show I will be SO upset. I’m still bitter about last year when NBC cancelled Constantine, which had great potential but low ratings. If FOX thinks they have a good thing going here (like I think) then they should stick by it and give it a chance to grow. A show is worth more than its first season ratings, if the people behind it believe it is and make it that way
Absolutely love this show. I hope fox doesn’t do what they usually do and cancel all my favorite shows. This show rocks!!!
I know right? Fox makes great shows and then kills them.
I don’t find much of what is on TV worth viewing. Lucifer is great! Finally, something that is worth watching. It is intriguing, witty, well-written. Heaven forbid FOX cancels this show!! FOX , you finally did something right! This show is a 10.
The show is pretty lame. I had been really excited about it when it first came out, but it’s been getting progressively worse each episode (hence the dropping ratings, lol). The plot line has a lot of potential, but the characters are second rate and very flat. It’s still early in the show that I’m hoping they’ll take an unexpected twist, but right now they’re pretty much walking-talking-tropes. And don’t get me started on all the situational cliches and tropes. Right now, the show is very bland and a bit predictable. The writers for this show really need to learn… Read more »
love the show!!!!!
Great show,I enjoy it! Don’t cancel it,people loveeeee this show and Tom Ellis is perfect for the role.And those comments he tells in every episode…..perfection
Way to go,Lucy 
Absolutely love this show! Good replacement from my favorite show “Being Mary Jane” which is now working on their next season.. I’m not a couch spud and being a full time working mom and also going to college I have to make time to watch this show every Monday or at least record it to watch it whenever have a free time! Definitely must renew!!
Greg, would you put a sock in it, already?! Do not watch it if you do not like it, and take your tin foil hat, click your heels three times and go home. You obviously do not understand irony nor Mr. Morningstar’s dilemma. He is discovery human emotions and the good in humans for the first time and it is a delightfully refreshing black comedy. Again, as almost everyone has informed you, it is a FANTASY BASED ON A COMIC BOOK WITH ACTORS AND FAKE SETS. Begone before someone drops a house on you.
I couldn’t have said it better, Diane! Bravo!
@Greg you Gotta cool it with all this trolling bro. Watching a show about the devil will not turn you evil or infect your mind God gave us all free will and the ability to choose between right and wrong so anything you do is on you the devil cannot control you and also a mentally healthy adult or teenager even should easily be able to distinguish between fantasy and reality so no one is going to be brainwashed into a satanical worshipper from a TV show. And your claim that I’m a bad Christian if I like this show… Read more »
We must all be going to hell for reading about the devil IN THE BIBLE as well, LOL. Bugger off, Greg.
@greg. this show is awesome. And comparing the peeple who watch it to terrorrists is realy a dick move. if you want to talk about extremists in religion. Just look in the mirror. No matter what your religion this is a show that shows you , what if.. thats all. Dont get your pantys in a bunch greg. Just dont watch it if your mind cant handel it…. to al the normal peeple here. Do what you want… watch dont watch. I say the show rocks. Lets get some more seasons..
Name one time that I compared you to a terrorist.