CBS hasn’t announced that Medium has been cancelled but, while attending an event last weekend, Patricia Arquette said that the show will indeed be ending this season.
Like her character, series star Arquette can indeed see the future. Now, Medium creator Glenn Gordon Caron has confirmed that the drama is finished. Of the last episode, Caron wrote, “Allison Dubois will dream her last dream on Medium Friday, January 21st. In what we believe will be a series defining episode, Allison and her family will stare destiny in the eye. And destiny will not blink.”
The ratings for Medium have taken a real hit this season. Despite frequently winning its timeslot, the drama has averaged a 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 6.41 million viewers. CBS reduced the number of episodes to just 13 as a result.
What do you think? How would you like to see Medium end? Should some of the characters die or should Allison lose her abilities? How about Joe and Allison finally getting a good night’s sleep?
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Image courtesy CBS.
Medium was our favorite show! Had to watch it on demand when they moved it to Fridays, but still never missed an episode. CBS stinks for pulling this show – it was one of the only shows we still liked to watch! Loved how the whole family was incorporated into the series. Very disappointed in the last episode – would have liked them to keep it open, so perhaps a better network could have picked it up!!!!!! But, they killed off one of Allison’s only supporters – it stunk! After getting to know the cast for the last 7 years… Read more »
I had no idea it was the last show when I was watching. I am very dissapointed that it is over. I really loved the cast. I looked forward to seeing the interactions of such a loving family. The marriage relationship was one we could all aim for!!! What a shame…………
CBS YOU SUCK!!! Medium was mine and my sister’s favorite show. I can’t even think of another show can than be held in comparison to what you are currently airing. You got lucky NBC let you pick it up in the first place and and now you just throw it away. You just threw away a large group of fans with it!!! Expect your ratings to plummet even further!!
I totally agree–couldn’t of said it better. I am sure it will plummet since they also cancelled Ghost Whisperer. The only thing left is the comedy shows on Monday. See how long that lasts — cable here I come.
CBS has become such a disappointment. It used to be such a wonderful network.
I guess only PBS and BBC can be counted on to produce television of quality. Support public TV! It is our only chance to have decent programming, it seems.
Medium was one of the better shows on TV and one of the few that I take the time to watch. It was entertaining and interesting and uplifting. There was always a moral to the story. No profanity; no nudity – a show that anyone could watch and not find offensive. It’s a shame that it’s gone. There is so little on TV that’s worth watching – now there’s even less.
I was a HUGE fan of this show. I really dont invest my time in a lot of TV series but this one quickly became one of my favorite series on Television ever. The characters were so great and the twist between the crime and grisly dreams and the love of family and friends was so well written. I think it will be a long time before there is a show quite like this one. This show took the spooky and outlandish element and turned it into a very solid and believable work of art. I am so sad to… Read more »
I disagree. It was the only good family show out there and it could of gone on for many more years. I only hope they realize they were wrong and bring it back and say it was only a bad, bad, dream.
Really loved this show–was one of the few our family all liked. So sad it’s gone–well, back to the reruns for my 11 year old girls!
It was one of the few TV shows that successfully bridged sci-fi with family drama on a weekly basis. The writing was exceptional and they did a good job of developing each character over the years. One of my favorite series of all time.
I also agree with the others, canceling Medium is a big mistake!!!!! I have watched it from the start. Watching this show gives me something to believe in and look forward to when we pass from this world. To much crap on TV and you decide to take this fine program off, what are you thinking? Take these reality programs off and leave the ones ,we the viewers, want to watch……
Ditto to everything Donna said. Big mistake to cancel. Tat’s why people are leaving the networks for better television on the cable networks. Won’t be watching CBS anymore.
CBS sucks! I love this show. It’s unique, warm, original, positive. The characters are believable, and endearing, How many reality shows must we endure?
The final show was heart wrenching and Brilliant. Jake Weber and Patricia brought me to tears.
I live in Europe and had no idea CBS was about to cancel the show! The time jump was surprising but it had happened before…But realising that Allison died at the end of this episode was a complete shock! I loved this show
I don’t understand, so many shows stay on the air even though they jumped the shark a long time ago. This one never let us down and they pull the plug.
I’m so disappointed the show ended! I had no idea it was going to end. This was a wonderful show. It had caring, nuturing, loving family. Joe and Allison’s personality completed each other. I really enjoyed their children and how they were incorporated into the scenes. Allison’s coworkers were wonderful characters also. This was one of my favorite shows. I really didn’t like the last episode. It was so devastating to me how it all ended. This was one of the great shows on the air right now. As others have said there are much too many reality shows out… Read more »
I think it is a disappointment that Medium ended. Was not crazy about the last show. Very sad that the good shows don’t last.
CBS sucks!! I can’t believe they cancelled the show. I loved it. I am totally devistated. Patricia Arquette is a wonderful actress. I hope we see her again soon. There’s too much reality tv out there. Maybe if everyone stops watching tv altogether they’ll get a clue.