To no surprise, The CW has cancelled their remake of Melrose Place after just one season and 18 episodes.
The new Melrose Place revolves around the same apartment complex as the 1990s original but largely focuses on a new group of characters. The cast includes Katie Cassidy, Stephanie Jacobsen, Jessica Lucas, Michael Rady, Shaun Sipos, Colin Egglesfield, Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, Nicholas Gonzalez, Victor Webster, and Brooke Burns. Appearances by actors Thomas Calabro, Laura Leighton, Heather Locklear, Josie Bissett, and Daphne Zuniga help kept ties to the original alive.
In September, despite a lot of promotion, the first episode attracted a small 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demo and 2.31 million viewers. The numbers fell after that and never came close to even matching the premiere’s. The April 4th episode hit a season low, with a horrific 0.4 rating in the demographic and only .86 million viewers.
Even for The CW, the new Melrose Place’s ratings were absolutely terrible. Though the last episode of the season left many storylines up in the air, there was no way that it was going to be coming back.
Well, the network made it official this week. Melrose Place has been cancelled and won’t be returning for season two.
What do you think? Why didn’t this version catch on? Was it a bad idea from the start? Would it have survived if Heather Locklear signed on at the beginning or was including original characters part of why it failed?
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Image courtesy The CW.
please have Melrose for a 2nd season the show is great u keep on canceling everything, just because of the viewers who gives a **** at least there are people watching it, just give melrose a chance
please have at least one more season of melrose..please have a season 2
This Show is the best show to be aired beside one tree hill and Melrose Place. I think this show deserves a chance. Everyone can relate to this show don’t CANCEL it. It seems that CW is dumb enough to CANCEL all the good show’s they have i’m getting so sick of this to the point where I don’t want to watch CW any more unless MELROSE PLACE is put back. Every good show on T.V. is CANCELED what’s the point of that your just wasting your time!!! Think before you make the worse decision EVER!!! Please Don’t Cancel it… Read more »
I am devastated.
I picked up the show late, but really enjoyed it. Very sorry to see it go, was excited for a season 2, now what will I watch. Bad choice by all involved.
The pace of the show was good but the characters were too mean. The storylines were unrealistic. The prostitute who only seemed to meet underwear models for clients and Riley and Jonah were just plain BORING, like watching glue dry. Ella, David, Sydney and Amanda were great characters. CW did not give the show a chance to grow an audience.
I was not at all surprised when Melrose Place was canceled. In fact, I think that next season will be the last season of 90210. The success of a show is totally due to the writing. Unfortunately, the writing on both of these shows has been horrific. I never got into the characters. All of the females on Melrose Place looked alike and the characters on 90210 have no depth and never developed their own personalities. The last straw for Melrose Place was when they took a plot line from the last season of Dynasty involving stolen artwork. THIS WAS… Read more »
This show has horrible from Day 1! Lame plot lines + terrible acting = complete crap! I was a huge fan of the original, & this remake totally ruined everything that was awesome about the original show. Didn’t the writers even watch the old episodes to see how the characters were developed?!!? The new plot lines of the old characters were a pale comparison of what they once were. I’m glad it’s gone. Maybe now we can just remember the show for what it was & not the lame piece of garbage it was turned into.
for real there were alot of good shows this year that just got cancelled. why bring a show out and then cancel it. most of the cw show are not that good any ways. all the shows starts of good but as it gos on the story lines suck. i talk to other ppl and they told me that melrose place was the best drama show this year. and no 1 can say that a false statement its ppls opinion.
What is the point of watching these shows if they are just going to get canceled. Every show that I like is axed, most of them without a tie up episode to finish it off. I am shocked that Melrose Place won’t be returning. I don’t live in America so I don’t contribute to the ratings but come on people. America produces the best damn shows out there and no body bloody watches them, thus their fate on the chopping block. Leaving the rest of us shocked and saddened by the news. Compared with half the crap on tv this… Read more »
i think this is stupid ive talk to alot of ppl and they told me that melrose place was the best show on the cw they should had cancelled one tree hill and 90210 because those show didnt catch any attenion. no ome aleast gave the show a try. bring it back or the cw will be losing alot of viwer
You need to look at the ratings for these shows before making false statements. This show’s ratings, like this article clearly states, were in the toilet. Melrose Place couldn’t even draw a million viewers towards the end of this season. Again, 90210 may be just as bad of a show storywise and in the acting department but it was the network’s #1 show in the 18-34 demo. And say what you want about One Tree Hill but its been a solid hit since it’s days on the WB pulling in higher ratings most weeks than Gossip Girl.
I don’t watch a lot of these shows, but I have heard good things about One tree hill. (I think my parents even watch it.) However, I did watch Melrose Place and it was one of my favorites, so I was sad to see this. Like Bruno, a lot of friends were saying the same thing about 90210. I can not believe that show had higher ratings. People must be on crack to watch that show.
I just hope Life Unexpected and Vampire Diaries don’t go anywhere… I won’t have any reason left to watch this channel in general.
As a loyal viewer of Melrose Place in general, I was disappointed when the remake was cancelled! The CW should let me write the script then it would be sick! The remake needed more elements of the original that would bring back viewers of the original.
not at alll –sydney should have never been killed off first episode-she made melrose what it was- campy-heather locklear was perfect to return as well as the original cast members…ashlee simpson was the real reason why this show didnt survive- her acting was worthless and embarassing to watch…thats when viewers turned off
I was disappointed when I’d read this initially because this should have been part of a package cancellation alongside 90210. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
Totally agree, this should have been a package cancellation because the new re-vamped 90210 is actually painful to watch. It’s so bad words can’t describe it. However, I understand it’s rated #1 among all CW shows in the beloved 18-34 demo, so it was renewed. The storylines and the characters are so bland and contrived it’s not even funny and not one of the cast members have yet to show any potential of being a breakout star. To make matters even worst none of the cast members from the original series want to commit to being a part of the… Read more »
New Melrose Place had so much promise, was fantastic in so many ways, but had problems. The “Who murdered Sydney?” storyline went on far too long; bringing back the actors/characters from the original series was a great idea, but their storylines in this new show were not connected in any way to how things were left at the end of the original series; nor their relationships to each other; towards the end of the present series increasingly unlikely plotlines were introduced, instead of conentrating on developing the existing storylines towards a satisfactory conclusion; cutting core characters from the show after… Read more »