To no surprise, The CW has cancelled their remake of Melrose Place after just one season and 18 episodes.
The new Melrose Place revolves around the same apartment complex as the 1990s original but largely focuses on a new group of characters. The cast includes Katie Cassidy, Stephanie Jacobsen, Jessica Lucas, Michael Rady, Shaun Sipos, Colin Egglesfield, Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, Nicholas Gonzalez, Victor Webster, and Brooke Burns. Appearances by actors Thomas Calabro, Laura Leighton, Heather Locklear, Josie Bissett, and Daphne Zuniga help kept ties to the original alive.
In September, despite a lot of promotion, the first episode attracted a small 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demo and 2.31 million viewers. The numbers fell after that and never came close to even matching the premiere’s. The April 4th episode hit a season low, with a horrific 0.4 rating in the demographic and only .86 million viewers.
Even for The CW, the new Melrose Place’s ratings were absolutely terrible. Though the last episode of the season left many storylines up in the air, there was no way that it was going to be coming back.
Well, the network made it official this week. Melrose Place has been cancelled and won’t be returning for season two.
What do you think? Why didn’t this version catch on? Was it a bad idea from the start? Would it have survived if Heather Locklear signed on at the beginning or was including original characters part of why it failed?
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Image courtesy The CW.
I loved the original and I loved the reboot having just finished watching that tonight (I only found out about the reboot last year). Please bring
I think Ashley Simpsons terrible acting is what did a lot of people in. Love the show liked it a lot better when she left. Wish it had more then one season.
Same here…I did not know if there wasn’t season two, I would not have watched the whole 18 shows of season one. Now I’m dying to see what happened with all the characters.
I wish I would’ve known there wasn’t a season 2 before I started watching. Now I’m upset because I am dying to know what happens. Dr. Mincini? Noah? David? Lol.. can’t forget about Amanda going to prison and Ella taking over her empire. I’m dying to know what happens and there’s nothing!! Maybe the CW viewers were not ready at the time, but I bet they are ready now!! Give us something people!!!!
I love this show I got it on Amazon they need too make a come back soon. Please…..
Just bring it back,
I have been wondering what happened. I love that show.put it back on.
I’m in my *cough cough* late 30s, which means I started watching the original series in my teens and continued into college. It was deliciously trashy, but I cared about the characters. After binge-watching the original again after 15+ years, I discovered that they’d made a remake (I’m not surprised I didn’t know until well after the fact, because it premiered while I was pregnant and then I had a newborn — enough said). So I decided to watch it, too. I actually quite enjoyed it. The writing veered from terrible to okay and the acting wasn’t great either, but… Read more »
I totally agree about your Netflix theory. I watched the entire season in 2 days on HULU(don’t judge me) & was just about devastated when episode 18 finished and i was left wondering what happened. Total bummer for me!! I actually haven’t watched the original series but plan on doing that now. I think if they try and start season, ratings will definitely climb. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. I’m so blown!!
They should have given season 2 a chance!
Melrose Place 2.0 needs to come back. I need to know what happens next!! This will forever drive me crazy!! I love this show nd the original!! Ugh!!
I just finished original Melrose and Melrose 2.0 on Netflix. Several reasons why the 2009-2010 show failed: 1. A favorite character from the original (Sydney) is basically brought back from the dead (through a “faked death” rewrite) for the pilot, and she’s (SPOILER!) promptly killed off in the pilot (though she also appears in a few flashbacks and imaginings). HEY FANS, WE’RE BRINGING BACK LAURA LEIGHTON AS SYDNEY! … TO KILL HER IMMEDIATELY! WATCH OUR SHOW! 2. Sydney’s death sets up a half-season long murder mystery which has the audience looking at much of the cast, wondering which one of… Read more »
I just finished watching the first Melrose and now I’m watching the 2.0.
You are absolutely right in everything you said.
I think the biggest mistake was to bring back the old faces, I mean, is good to see them again, Michael, Amanda, Jane, Jo, but as a quick appearance would have been great, but not as a part of the story again.
I think the new characters had enough material to support the show by themselves, without the need to use the old ones.
It’s so sad the show was cancelled, because it has potential.
found it by mistake, along with Schitts Creek, addicted to both, a relief from winter on the east coast. Two delicious trashy shows.
They should of givin season 2 a chance
I had never heard of Melrose Place till I saw it on Netflix and I was like hmm, I started watching it and got addicted, than I saw (after I had watched all the episodes) there were no more and I was really sad because Melrose Place is the kind of stuff I watch. Like Gossip Girl, Lying Game, Pretty Little Liars, etc., I like drama shows. They are what I love watching! I really wish they hadn’t cancelled it.
Me too! I searched all over looking for that kind of show, because I had watched them all. Ithe felt like I struck gold when I found Melrose Place. Only to be let down.. huge bummer!!
I had the same experience, but I was able to find another show that was even better. It is quite hard to find now but YouTube has the first episode. “The LA Complex” is the best. It was cancelled after 2 seasons like 6 years ago but last month they announced it is coming back!
i want to watch more please make more seasons………………….