The days of MTV airing music videos all day are long gone. Now, the cable channel is producing some of their own comedy and drama series. Which are your favorites? Which of the current TV series will be cancelled or renewed for another season? Stay tuned!
Scripted MTV shows listed: Awkward, Eye Candy, Faking It, Finding Carter, Happyland, Loosely Exactly Nicole, Mary + Jane, Scream, The Shannara Chronicles, Sweet/Vicious, and Teen Wolf.
Last update: Most recent ratings added for Teen Wolf.
There’s a lot of data that MTV execs look at when deciding whether to renew or cancel a TV series but ratings are a major factor. Here’s an updated listing of all of their recent/current primetime scripted shows.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also view them here and here.
A couple of notes about these charts:
These figures are updated automatically as new ratings are released (usually a day or so after the broadcasts). The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing). For technical reasons, I have to resort them manually so feel free to let me know if I missed something.
The demo numbers, which are typically most important to the broadcast networks, aren’t quite as vital to cable channels because their audiences are usually much smaller. Demo numbers are typically reported using the 10ths decimal place (2.4, for example). In the averages, I’m using an extra decimal for easier ranking.
What do you think? Are you surprised by any of the ratings? Which shows should be doing better? Which one do you think will be cancelled next?
Oh my gosh………….NOOO!!!!!
Faking it was a series where it just got me and I could relate. Plus it was extremely addictive, the characters were relatable with the audience and the plot wasn’t cliche…
This is so sad
Faking it is an amazing show!!!! They shouldn’t cancel it based on the views they get on the particular days the episodes come out. I personally watch online. This show is so good I was hooked and didn’t do any work for 2 days and I got my friends hooked as well and they love it! This show isn’t stereotypical and has such a unique storyline
Anyone who watches Awkward there is a petition you can sign to try and save the show.
I am so sad that 2 of my favorite shows have been cancelled. Faking It and Awkward are one of the only shows I watch. I am so sick of the bogus reality shows. I am not sure if they determine ratings by who is tuning in at the time the show runs or not. I hope not because I am a mother and go to bed early and end up watching the shows later online or on Hulu. I hope Mtv reconsiders their decision to cancel these shows. I think people want more meaningful programming and less raunchy crap.
I am to sad to see Awkward be canceled there is a petition going around if you would like to sign it.
They should renew Awkward for one last season!!!! I have literally made all my friends watch the show and they love it get hooked! It should be and hour long too! It’s honestly the best show MTV has. Like nobody cares about all the trashy disrespectful Teen Mom 2 or even Catfish how much of the same crap airs. But funny comedic and some real life scenarios in Awkward is what should really be shared.
I’M SO SAD! YOU CAN’T DO THISSS! Cancelling all the shows I DO watch. I watched all of those. And all of them ended so horribly, at least make an ending. Now the only show that’s airing that I watch is Scream! Which is what I want to do rn!
I LOOOOOVE Awkward and Faking It!! Tuesday was my favorite day of the week and now I hate it because they canceled BOTH my shows!
Im upset! Who ever canceled those 2 shows SUCK! I’ve never missed an episode with those 2 shows and now it’s gone.. Ughhhh
Don’t cancel Faking it !! It’s a great show :((
hell! They better renew my awkward! I love this show so much! i always look forward to watching every season. Litterally the only thing i watch on tv. MTV please let them continue there shows. Consider them the most popular show out, but the time it plays doesn’t allow US fans watch when we want to.
Please don’t cancel faking it, I watch every week its my favorite show please please please
Why faking it… Noooooooo.. Love that show
What no! Faking it cannot be cancelled! I cannot believe it. Why does everyone hate the gay’s? Whats up with that? Every show where someone is gay they either get kiled off, goes straight again or the show gets cancelled. Unbelievable. I really love this show! Damn it.
Faking it was a good show! I cant believe in those numbers.. I really wait it all weeks to find the next episode.
I really love all characters.
WHAT! no faking it just cant be cancelled. We deserve an appropriate ending. Ive been watching it since season 1 and is a great show whats wrong with MTV
Faking it is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!