The saga of NBC’s medical disaster series continues.
Trauma revolves around a group of brave first responder paramedics in San Francisco. The high-action series is populated by an ensemble cast that includes Derek Luke, Cliff Curtis, Anastasia Griffith, Kevin Rankin, Aimee Garcia, Billy Lush, Jamey Sheridan, and Taylor Kinney.
Back in October, NBC indicated they weren’t ordering any additional episodes of Trauma beyond the initial 13 episode order, effectively cancelling the series. Then, in the wake of the failure of The Jay Leno Show, they ordered seven more episodes to fill primetime space.
When Trauma returned to the NBC schedule after a three month hiatus, the ratings were even worse than they were back in November. If the execs weren’t happy with the ratings before, they were very likely regretting their decision to order additional installments.
According to the Futon Critic, NBC has now cut their additional episode order from seven to five installments. That brings the season total to 18 episodes.
The last episode of the season, and almost certainly the series, will air on April 26th. No word yet if the producers adapted episode 18 so that it could serve as a series finale or if viewers will be left hanging.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Trauma’s episode order has been cut? Are you holding onto hope that it will be back for season two?
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Image courtesy NBC.
Bob, I have been reading your comments. You must not watch much tv. Everything on TV is for entertainment. Just because YOU think the show was politically incorrect does not make it a bad show. There are so many movies and shows that show things people may not agree with but that does not mean the show is not entertaining. And this show was darn good entertainment. I don’t watch the show to learn how to become an EMT, I watch it cause it’s good stuff!! The story line the characters, it’s just a great show. It leaves you wanting… Read more »
Trauma is a great show. I have come to really like the characters. The show really wasn’t given a chance. At the very least finish out the season. It really is cruel to leave all of the fans of Trauma hanging. Trauma is one of those shows that I really looked forward to watching each week.
Emergency followed the EMS protocols of the era and did not represent the fledgling paramedic profession in a bad light. You should be aware that several EMT and Paramedic organizations sent official letters to the Network complaining about the show.
Please bring “Trauma” back!! It is my favorite!!
This is a great show! We didn’t know that it had come back on, so I’m wondering how many other people that watched it previously didn’t realize it came back on. I think NBC should finish the season and consider a second season, with more publicity that it is back.
I agree with what everyone is saying…I barely watch TV. I watch the news every morning and Trauma on Mondays. They decided to end it on the WORST episode. Such a cliff hanger! What happens to Rabbit and Nancy?? I am seriously disappointed that I will never know. We deserve to know.
Yeah. Almost as bad as not knowing how “Jericho” was to play out.
I think the time for paying attention to the Neilson ratingshas ended. We now have DVRs and the ability to tape the shows we want to watch. This was one of our favorite series and because of work we had to tape it but we never missed an episode. There are so many reality shows on now that the only shows we can get engrossed in are a good action series such as Trauma. Shame on you. Put it back on or atleast give it closure and a decent burial. All this starting and stopping crap makes people afraid to… Read more »
I can’t believe NBC is cancelling this show!! I love it. Finally a show that you actually look forward to watching. Somebody needs to get a clue and give it more of a chance to find it’s way. This happens to too many of the shows I have really wanted to watch in the past. I had to comment this time because I’m fed up with all the reality schlock that manages to get on the schedule and actually has viewers. Please, please reconsider not giving this show the heave-ho!! Maybe another network can pick it up? read Southland another… Read more »
needs sereis finale to wrap things up
need series to see what happens with nancy and rabbit
i agree thats exactly y i am so mad they left us on a huge cliff hanger.
I totally agree. Guess we were left with a “Cliff Curtis” hanger? (Feel free to groan at bad pun!)
But seriously, I love this show and hope it comes back. Filled the void that E.R. left.
I can’t believe they just cancelled this show. It was the only thing I watched on Mondays. Also, how can you just end a show without a finale. Finally a show which shows people caring about one another and working together to help people. I am so tired of all of the murder,csi, criminal shows. I don’t even watch those shows. Please find a way to bring it back or at least give me closure.
i totaly agree u cant end a show on a cliffhanger
nbc would rather shows us repeat, after repeat instead of airing something good. nbc just lost another viewer. hope tnt or usa would pick up this great show. look what happen to southland.
I can’t believe they cancelled this show!! It was one of my favorite shows:( i would love it if they brought it back but it does’nt sound like they will, what ashame! They do need to have a finale then if there not bringing it back, at least give us that much!!
I really hope they continue this show! Or at a bare minimum finish the season its just cruel to leave it hanging like it is!
exactly how i feal
I’m really upset that the show was cancelled. I thought it was an awesome show that gave people an insight on what hard work EMT’s, Doctor’s and Nurses do with the ocasional drauma.Please bring it back…..
Obviously you have no real idea how EMTs and Paramedics truly operate. This show is a bad joke on us.
y do u say that? its not based on reality . what about the older paramedic show EMERGANCY was that show just a bad joke on u to?