Though One Life to Live is poised to sign off tomorrow, four of the characters from the cancelled soap will live on. They’re moving to General Hospital, the network’s sole-surviving soap opera.
Kristen Alderson (Starr), Michael Easton (John), Kassie DePaiva (Blair) and Roger Howarth (Todd) will begin shooting their first General Hospital scenes at the end of this month when production resumes. General Hospital kicks off its 49th season on April 1st. It’s the longest-running network soap still on the air.
Of the news, executive producer Frank Valenti said, “We have a very exciting story planned for the citizens of Port Charles, with Sonny Corinthos at the center of it… Incorporating characters from One Life to Live continues the legacy of the show as we weave them into General Hospital.” Valenti and head writer Ron Carlivati moved to General Hospital last month after One Life to Live wrapped. They replaced Jill Farren Phelps and Garin Wolf.
For the time being, General Hospital will continue on ABC. However, there’s no guarantee of how long it will keep going. General Hospital, like all of the network soaps, aren’t cheap to produce and have seen their viewer numbers dwindle.
This week, ABC Entertainment President Paul Lee noted, “I am a fan of General Hospital, but we have not made a decision on its future and don’t really have a time frame for it either.”
In the fall, Katie Couric starts her own daytime talk show on the network and there has been much speculation that her new series will end up taking General Hospital’s place on the schedule.
What do you think? Do you like that OLTL characters are coming to General Hospital? Do you think General Hospital will be cancelled before the end of the year?
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I have never watched G.H so trying to catch up on it is really difficult. I am happy to hear that a few…. very few of my OLTL people are going to still be running story lines, but would still rather see a come back of the show. I have been trying to watch G.H for 2 weeks now, and am understanding a little of it. I would love to see Sonny in the middle of Victor’s shooting/kidnapping, that would be something!!! Also having Allison have some type of relation to Sonny, sister, aunt, other mother, something that would tie… Read more »
I used to record OLTL, the Victor vs Todd story line was intriguing and the rest of their characters were always interesting to watch. I can’t believe anyone would want to have ABC on all day. It is the most generic programming I’ve ever seen. Doesn’t anyone get bored watching either one, two or six people around a desk or table all day. Are you kidding me?? Do you not see how repetitious this is. What a joke….if there appears to be a subject that appeals to me, I’ve tuned in and then experienced the same utter disappointment, pretty much… Read more »
I am so sorry that One Life To Live was canceled…I do not watch ABC from 1pm – 3pm…Who wants to watch those boring shows. So people KEEP ON NOT SEEING ABC from 1-3pm..I’m glad that Starr, John, Blair n Todd are going to continue in General Hospital. I guess ABC need the ratings to go up. Maybe they realized what a bad choice they made…It’s all good that OLTL 4 characters will continue on, but it won’t be the same without Thea and my man Victor (Todd).
ABC 2-5 pm is the only good hours to watch before or after snoring boring bring back my soaps AMC & OLTL and keep GH!!
I have watched sense the very first episode. When I worked I taped them both. Now that Im retired those 2 hrs are my time to let it all go and get a little rest. I am very sad that this is happening but I am with one other writer. The new shows are boring a just a little to much hype for me.You just dont mess with perfection. Sea Spilsbury
Retired counselor and avid fan..bring back our stories! April 1 is my birthday same as one life to live…
I love the idea of OLTL characters are coming to General Hospital. They will add alot to t’he show, as I have watched both shows for many years.
Was very sad to see OLTL leave the air and not seeing the people again broke my heart, so to put them with General Hospital “I love the idea!!!
General Hospital needs more than four of One Life to Live characters to keep it on the air. I had hope with the new head writer coming over from One Life to Live to General Hospital there may be a chance. But, it is going to take more than four characters! I am relying on site such as this to let me know when Star begins. I do not and will not watch daytime ABC. Actually, I am not watching any ABC since their evening schedule is also unacceptable. So, if General Hospital drops some of their boring characters and… Read more »
I am completely over ABC. They have continually cancelled shows I like to watch in the evenings, then top it off by cancelling my favorite day time show OLTL. I watched OLTL everyday while eating my lunch. I am not sure of the cast members going to General Hospital is a good thing? I am not sure why they would leave a sinking ship “ABC” swim around it and get right back on. I am so over ABC that I removed them from my programming guide on my television!
I think it would be the biggest mistake ABC could make to cancel General Hospital. They have already gotten rid of One Life to Live and The Revelution isn’t doing well at all in the ratings. So even if it is expensive to produce these two great shows, isn’t it better than having shows on there that people are not going to watch. So ABC will have no one watching anything during these time slots, if anything at all on ABC. A lot of people have quit watching ABC all together. General hospital is a great soap opera. It is… Read more »
The last thing we need is yet ANOTHER reality show…& the meer fact that the suits that seem to know so little about what people do & DON’T want to see, is mind boggling! The fan base for OLTL was amazing, & although some of their characters are going to GH, it won’t quite be the same. OLTL had a great story line, & Agnes Nixon was a genius. I doubt that I’ll be watching ABC much after this. I hope the rating for their ‘new reality show’ tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess it is just a sign of the times….Go cheap or don’t watch! I choose to turn off the TV. The ratings for the first few days of The Revolution are proof that viewers do not want another cheap copycat which incorporates aspects of several other cheap daytime shows! Here’s a novel idea for ABC….Why don’t you just fill the time with paid infomercials? Then you wouldn’t have to spend any money and I am pretty sure your ratings wouldn’t drop much more than they already dropped.
i think they should bring all my children and one life to live back and keep general hospital on bringinging the mannings and john on will help their ratings i think
I agree with what Betty Mc said.I will not watch ABC at all….
I only watch abc at these times 2-5 than I change the channel I want my soaps on I don’t like their line up. I watch GH, Anderson, Dr. Oz and than I change it. Bring back my soaps.
I would rather see OLTL back on the air. I’m not seeing how these 4 people are going to fit in. I’ll be glad to see them. If ABC cancels General Hospital, that will be the last of my watching ABC. (The Chew = Rachel Ray + The View = Boring) (The Revolution = The Biggest Loser + Home Make Over + The Doctors = Boring). I am tired of “copy cat” shows. It’s bad enough that they are on at night. Right now, the majority of what I am watching is on CBS. If ABC wants ratings, maybe they… Read more »
I meant to say Victor as alive NOT dead.