s_bukley / Shutterstock.com
Person of Interest wrapped after five seasons on CBS earlier this summer, but there is always a chance that a reboot of the series could happen. A reboot would need to focus on Shaw, Root, and the Machine.
Sarah Shahi is the actress behind Shaw, and she spoke about her character’s role in the series finale, and how it left the door open for a reboot. She said the following, according to TV Insider:
“There are always so many rumors going around on every set. A couple of episodes before the finale, I kept hearing things about the spin-off and Shaw, and Shaw was going to be the last one standing, and I thought it was just lies. I didn’t buy any of it—you never know until you see it on the page. And sure enough, there it was on the page. I didn’t know what it meant, I didn’t really read into it, too much. I think at the end of the day, Shaw’s happiness is being a soldier. And the story which Greg [Plageman] and Jonah chose to tell, those final moments on the phone, it was that the numbers keep coming and she’s going to soldier on.”
Would Sarah Shahi bring Shaw back for a reboot? She would definitely consider it. She said the following:
“I think it would be hard to say the show could possibly reinvent itself somewhere else, because everyone else has taken other jobs, or we’re free to take other jobs. It would be hard to get people again for that reason. I would want to take Shaw to much deeper, darker places. I would want to shave her head and give her a bionic arm. I’m still holding a candle out for that story. Shaw, the way Shaw is now, I think I’ve done that. We’d have to do something else with her.”
Would you watch a new Person of Interest focusing on Shaw? Tell us what you think.
Absolutely. My wife and I bought all 5 seasons and watched them all again. We would love to see a spinoff or continuation with Shaw, Fusco, and Finch.
Yes, yes yes!!!
Yes! Would love to see a spin off of this show!!
Yes, I want to see a spin off of person of interest in which Shaw is the protagonist
I just finished season 5 and am saddened that the show will not be renewed. A spin off would be great but Jim Caviezel was great and so was the character Harold, also root. Loved the show. Please do the spin-off….
Yes, bu I really love the other 2 charcters. They really made the show!! If you could at least bring them back as guests. I’v had many strokes and this is the one show that I look forward to. I follow them on Youtube and FB
Yes I would run to see anything with a hint of Person of Interest