Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com
Prison Break is returning for a nine episode season on FOX next year, and it is possible that fans of the series could see another season of the revival at a later date. That comes from Wentworth Miller himself.
The actor spoke with Digital Spy at an event earlier this week. He said:
“The reboot is nine new episodes airing in spring 2017, and then depending on how it’s received, and who’s available, there could be another conversation about another bite of the apple. We’ll see…”
Miller also teased a bit about what fans will see on the revival:
“I can tell you it’s seven years later, and you can expect a lot more of the same things that you loved first time around. And it will also be quite different as the characters have changed, so my character in particular is no longer just a hero – he’s a few other things as well. I think the fans will get a kick out of it.”
Are you excited for the Prison Break revival? Tell us what you think.
Annice Parker
I have NEVER been so drawn to a TV series. I always start counting off the days left before the next week’s show airs. I feel like I have lost a best friend and just can’t quit wishing for more & more of Prison Break. And get this, I am a 75 year old female. Just goes to say what a riveting series this is to keep the attention of (1) a female & (2) a female of my age.
PLEASE say it isn’t so – that Prison Break will return….soon!
love it I am currently watching my dvd off whole series again it is bosh!!!! cant wait to see next new series.Fox you rock.Best thriller I have ever seen. And I cant put it down. believe me.
I am very excited about prison break season 5. I want yk know when next year and in which month will prison break season 5 premier? I also think that they should also make another season that the story takes place before the 1st. The story how Michael and Lincoln when they were little, why their parents got separated, why did their mother abandoned them and why did she become bad? Please y’all need to make that season too.
Can’t wait for prison break 5 to come to Great Britain
I didn’t watch Prison Break during its initial airing. I just started watching it this year. I’m tied to the television every night watching the episodes. I’m hooked and can’t wait to the piece in the spring!
I wasn’t watching a lot of tv when the show aired. I saw one episode dont know what yr.a few months ago. Welll I was hooked. Went on amazon and found all seasons and yesssss indeed! Bought them all.Cant wait 4 season 5.Happy Happy. Oh yea I’m 62 and love all the casts.