Series creator Shonda Rhimes has announced that the current season of Private Practice will be the show’s last. The medical drama, a spin-off of Grey’s Anatomy, has been declining in the ratings for some time.
ABC only ordered 13 episodes for the current sixth season and star Kate Walsh had said she was planning to leave at that time. The network declined to say that the show was ending, likely wanting to wait and see how the ratings did this season. They have not been good.
Back in July, Rhimes told THR, “I’ve been told I’m not allowed to approach this as the final season, that the network does not believe that approaching it as the final season is the way they want to go.”
Tonight, Rhimes broke the news to fans:
I’m sad to say that Private Practice’s run will end after episode 613 this season. There was a lot of discussion and debate but, in the end, the guys at the network and the studio and I all decided that Private Practice was reaching its finish line. Creatively, we are all extremely proud of the show and especially proud of this season — which you will all soon discover is a creative renaissance. I can’t wait for you to see it.
It’s heartbreaking to end. Truly. I feel so lucky to write for these characters and tell these stories and I truly feel this show has taught me so much as a writer. And there’s a family here, of crew and cast, people who have bonded over these past five and a half seasons. It’s rare for a show to go for more than 100 episodes and we are incredibly proud to have been such a show. And we’re grateful to all of you for spending time with us for an hour every week for the last 6 years. It’s meant the world.
Thank you.
Presumably this decision was made in time for Rhimes, the cast and crew to be able to wrap up the show’s storylines in a satisfying way. Word is that many of the remaining episodes will be told from the point of view of individual characters. Addison’s will air on November 13th.
The final episode is expected to air in February and ABC has said they plan to heavily market the finale.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Private Practice is ending this season or did it go on too long? What will you miss about it?
While some of the characters stagnated in their roles, the show was a wonderful vehicle for public awareness of serious issues such as rape, drug abuse, mental illness and dealing with loss. These issues were dealt with in a sensitive way. It is sad TV will forfeit the opportunity to reach out to people who get most of their information, albeit filtered through fantasy, by way of media.
I am sorry to see Private Practice go… One of the only”adult” shows that isn’t “reality” produced to see it go is sad. I don’t watch much “current” or modern tv. This is one of the only shows I looked forward to. Shame. I, now, buy DVD’s of older shows I loved. This one, wet wing, weeds etc… Tv just is not what it used to be.
[…] Executive producer Shonda Rhimes also created Scandal’s lead-in, Grey’s Anatomy, and spin-off Private Practice. The latter is ending this season. […]
I am not sorry to see it go. I was not into Benjamin Bratt joining the show ( his sexiness factor eludes me) and the emotional/bed hopping that it caused Addison. I thought that her relationship with Sam was given a short shift. I just got annoyed with the series after a while and have not bothered watching it.
I have to say that the writing for Private Practice has declined over the years. This season so far has been a bit ridiculous…really Pete’s send off, Charlotte of all people being pregnant with triplets. I mean really. The writing just doesn’t seem true to characters and I hate it when shows do that. So I agree that this is the season that this show should be ending because I believe that writing has moved from the ridiculous to the sublime. Not impressed…definitely not how I want to spend by hour anymore.
I so enjoyed the show. The story line were hard to follow. When Pete was killed off the show I knew something was up. It took me awhile to get into the show and once i did it became a favorite of mines. I didn’t like that Naomi left the show. I like that Benjamin Bratt joined the show . All the character had good story lines.
I think it is a shame that a great show is cancelled. Maybe they should put their little boxes in real homes. They always get rid of the good shows. Maybe they should start a new show with the actors that aren’t leaving, they were the better characters anyway!!!
I am so say PP is ending! Luv you Shonda!
🙁 I am so sad that private practice is endingg!!!
I’m upset that the show moved from thursday to tuesday (i liked the shows following each other because then the cross-over’s made sense), and I’m extremely bummed that the show is ending! WTH? I’m not interested in shows like “nashville” and “revenge”. I would love to see the show continue just a while longer. I feel there’s still things we don’t know about people
[…] has decided to “cancel” Private Practice but has ordered additional episodes of Shondra Rhime’s other mdeical […]
My husband and I really like Private Practice. I hate to see it go. I was hoping to see Naomi return to the story line. I figured something was up when the character Pete did not return this season and watching the previous cast members die off the show was not a good sign either. Overall I thought it was a good show.
I gave up on Grey’s Anatomy a couple of years ago, but loved Private Practice. I will miss this show, but am glad they had time to bring things to a satisfying conclusion.
I always did like this show and Kate Walsh but I’ll admit that I haven’t been watching it as much as I used to. Not to mention having on vs Vegas hasn’t been the best choice, then again coming after Grey’s Anatomy wasn’t that great either but at least it gave you a reason to waste the hour until this came on. I will miss it but it’s better that they have the time to wrap it up the way they want instead of just ending it as if it were coming back another season, leaving viewers to wonder what… Read more »
I am very upset that Private Practice will be ending in Feb. 2013. There are so many opportunities to keep the program going and keep it interesting. What level of rating does it need to be kept on television? Grey’s Anatomy has kept on going and think it will be a real shame to take PP off the air. Please don’t do it.
[…] ending […]