On Sunday night, ABC aired a new reality competition series. So, how did Shark Tank do? Did it succeed in the ratings or was it eaten alive by the competition?
From The Apprentice’s Mark Burnett, Shark Tank gives budding entrepreneurs the chance to make their dreams come true. To do that, they must convince five tough, multi-millionaires to part with their own hard-earned cash and give them the funding they need to jumpstart their ideas. The five are Robert Herjavec, Kevin O’Leary, Barbara Corcoran, Kevin Harrington, and Daymond John.
But the show’s not as one-sided as it may seem. The business people are looking for solid investments and, once the “sharks” find a project they like, they negotiate to take as big a percentage of the profits as possible. How far is either side willing to go?
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After weeks of promotion, Shark Tank debuted on Sunday, August 9th at 9pm. The premiere attracted an average of just 4.23 million viewers with a low 1.3/4 rating/share in the 18-49 demographic. The first half-hour was in fourth place for total viewers and the second half-hour rose just a bit to place in third. The entire hour was in fourth place in the all-important demographic and lost a huge chunk of its lead-in audience.
If the show continues to tank like this, it certainly won’t have much of a future on the network. ABC reportedly still has 12 episodes left to air. Six of them are scheduled to run on Sunday nights and then Shark Tank’s set to switch to Tuesday evenings. Unless the numbers get better, it seems unlikely that ABC will keep those plans.
What do you think? Is the show worth watching or should the network throw in the towel and cancel it already?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I attended the open casting call in Brooklyn on June 23 to pitch my unique established business “HouseCall Auto Mechanics” http://www.HouseCallAutoMechanics.com which provides general auto repairs and emergency roadside repairs at the clients home or place of work or in many cases where the vehicle has broke down. I made it past a few hundred other applicants and can you believe they did not pick me for an upcoming episode? I need capital to franchise the idea so I can sell the franchise to the thousands of qualified mechanics around the USA and Canada. This business could generate $100 million/yr… Read more »
LOVE the show and look forward to it again.. I wish you had included the time the show airs on this page for those who did not see it last week..I was looking for it here myself and did not see it. Its 9pm, Ch 7 right?
Also, it would be great to see a follow up show on the entrepreneurs, how they did on their own and how they did with the sharks!
BTW- the woman shark looks just like Annie Lennox!!
Thanks, keep the show going!!!! Deb Walker
Great Concept… Shark Tank… but for all those fishing to catch the shark, and not be caught by a Shark here’s a little insight to a new crowd souring site……..
Imagine if anyone with an idea could actually submit there concept and get there idea made……… Well folks its here @ Quirky.com check it out and become a part of some BIG
I auditioned for the show in Chicago. and I thought it went very well. My product was more marketable than all the products they have had on the show. but I still was not called to be on the show. maybe because I am sixty years old I don’t know. The biggest problem with the show is that it moves way to slow and gets real boring at times. I will be releasing my product shortly and it is fun and will save energy for everyone and will be used everyday. if you would like to know more about my… Read more »
The Canadian controversy is too much noise. Shark Tank is educational if nothing else. I have my sons watch it see the strategy, the rewards and the disappointments. That is real life. Whether the show is real or not real, the rejection and being taken advantage of is out there in real life. This show may be way over the heads of it’s critics. But, it serves as a lesson for those who just might want to take the walk to independence and success.
How does one get in touch with these people to appear on the show. I have two products that when introduced properly and with the proper financial backing will knock your socks off financially. The potential use of these is almost unlimited. Both are patented but need finacial backing.
I liked the first show that aired, but the second made me realize they are just out to rip these people off! I thought the sharks were going to help out those who they felt had a chance at a better business, and I understand taking a percentage of the business to make their money back, but all they want is to take as much of their business or all of their business as possible, and pretty much ******** those asking for money, they are not trying to help these people, they are only trying to get richer!! They corner… Read more »
This show is awesome. I wish it was longer. They do need to have a follow up to see how they are fairing after the deal.
This series has major problems. The “sharks” don’t seem to know much about businesses other than those that made them their money. They don’t listen to the people pitching, interupt them, don’t get the idea of what is being pitch and dismiss people for the wrong reasons.
Under the condition of this show, if the sharks found themselves on the other side and had to pitch the ideas that made them wealthy, I think they would be shot down quickly.
I love shark tank!
I’m getting pretty sick of all of the CSIs, Law and Orders, cheap reality shows, and the shows where every 10 seconds something related to sex comes up.
I think this show was awesome! Keep it on!!!
This show is such an insult to Dragon’s Den and rips off Greatest American Inventor. Where the Dragons at the very least offer some constructive criticism of a product or an inventor they aren’t interested in investing in, the Sharks are an embarassment to the Americans and give credence to foreign views of Americans as obnoxious, arrogant and rude. These so-called “Sharks” are rude, they act without consideration for the feelings of those trying to get their investments, and they’re so busy bantering among themselves for best line or best joke, they lose sight of the reason they are there.… Read more »
My problem is there is no payoff all you see is people begging for money. I would like to know what happens after they get the check.
American Inventor at least took you through the process of inventing something.
I like the panel but they could be a little more passionate about what they are doing.
He didn’t steal it, Simon Cowell stole Dragons Den and made it American Inventor. Burnett bought the rights to Dragons Den and Americanized the title. The show originated in Japan (not Canada) where they call shrewd business men “Dragons” as opposed to the US where they’re called “Sharks.” Furthermore- Kevin and Robert are both in the show just like in Canada-come on now man, common sense… Did the Apprentice UK steal from Donald Trump Apprentice???
I hope this show DOES get cancelled for one reason: Mark Burnett! THIS IS NOT HIS CREATION! IT’S A RIP-OFF OF A SHOW WE’VE HAD UP HERE IN CANADA FOR YEARS! Why is the man getting credit for a show that he basically stole?!