While the ABC’s Shark Tank hasn’t been a big winner in the ratings, it has won over a devout group of viewers who can’t seem to get enough.
Last month, two of the “Sharks,” Kevin Harrington and Daymond John, broke the news that ABC was ordering new episodes of Shark Tank. In truth, the series isn’t going back into production for a second season. Three installments had been left sitting on the shelf and two more were pieced together from unused segments.
ABC has now announced that the series is returning on January 8th and will air on Friday nights, taking Ugly Betty’s old timeslot. That Shark Tank will be airing in one of the “Friday night deathslots” may not seem like much reason to celebrate. In truth, this may be the show’s best chance at survival.
ABC has already given Shark Tank exposure on both Sunday and Tuesday nights and it didn’t fare all that well against stiff competition. Expectations are already lower on Friday nights. One of ABC’s other reality shows, Supernanny, is currently in its second season of Friday night airings.
Because it’s cheaper to produce, if Shark Tank can match or exceed the ratings that Ugly Betty’s been getting, it would have a very good shot at coming back for a second season. Since there are only five new episodes, it’ll have to hit the ground running.
What do you think? Is the Friday night timeslot a good move for Shark Tank or just a way for the network to burn off the episodes?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I love this show, so I’m going to record it whenever it comes on!
PLEASEEEE!! HEKP If, IF, iffff, it goes OFF HOW can we get a hold of the Business people? We havemTWO Awesome inventions and we do NOT really NED money so we are NOT being silly but ONE my Girlfriends actually helps Relieve headachews!!! It is awesome. We use it wekly just to stay SMART!! haha KEEP that BLOOD circulatig in the Brain and I have a CHAIN Cleaner!! ANY chain.. ANYHOW!! We do not know the Business Market that well and would like HONEST HELP! Girl friend has already been ripped off $90, 000 (Ninety Thousand) dollars and is holding… Read more »
Please keep Shark Tank coming. It is very enjoyable watching the sharks at work and the ideas that are brought in are a way of making it or not.
I thought Friday nite was a great time slot. Usually, on Friday nights, I like to rest and relax after a week of working a full time job; and then having to then work as an entrepreneur after those hours – – by Friday, I am in no mood to go out. I’m in my 40’s, so I need my rest. Me and my mom (she’s in her 70’s) would sit down together and look at the show. She would remind me hey Paula, Shark Tank is on. I also learned valuable information from watching the show.
This is a great program in more ways than one. This program gives new Entrepreneurs that extra push to believe in their idea and go for it and thats what makes this program work .with all those smart host on the program where is their idea,s to getting more viewers. hears my idea to boost ratings get the host to say at the end of each program to the viewers, if you have a idea or product that will change and better the market or industry come on the show and pitch your idea.can i get on the show, A… Read more »
Don’t get rid of Shark Tank. It’s brother, Dragon’s Den does not stream video to U.S. This is the best show on TV.
Actually, it wouldn’t matter what night Shark Tank was on, I WOULD WATCH IT! However, I think Friday night is an excellent spot and it airs at 9:00 p.m. here in Las Vegas, NV and is one of my favorite TV nights. Since it is back on the air, I have steered four more of my friends to tune in; they have and are also now watching it.
I sure hope it keeps airing; just love all of the sharks and enjoy the contestants.
Thanks for listening and taking the fans into consideration.
Shark Tank is a great show that does so much more than entertain – it educates and inspires (both very much needed in America today)! I agree – it doesn’t matter what night it is on, we record everything we want to watch – and Shark Tank is at the top of our list. With the unscripted reality format, it can’t be as much to produce as a scripted show – like Ugly Betty or Eastwick. And, since it has caught the attention of so many – we might see some entrepreneurs/ideas/inventions that will make the first season’s look like… Read more »
I agree with many on here. I LOVE this show, and would watch it no matter the time slot. I just hope the majority feels the same…
Great show, watched every previous episode of it. So much better and entertaining and interesting that most shows out there. It should definately be brought back to stay this time. I t has a following that will only grow. Give it more of a chance. You cancel shows too quickly, ABC.
Shark Tank is a very unique program that people will watch no matter what time slot it’s in because technology today allows that to happen. If we continue to monitor shows based only on what people watch “LIVE”, then that’s really dumb. In today’s world, TV shows are recorded by the majority of the viewing public. What advertisers need to do is become more creative with their commercials that will make people want to watch their commercials instead of fast forwarding through them. Now, that’s a real challenge, but a challenge that should be welcomed. Let’s face it, they’re successful… Read more »
It also doesn’t matter to me what time slot they are going to put Shark Tank. I’m going to watch it, I’ve been waiting for them to air the last few episodes and hope they tape more.
Really like the show, keep it around. I DVR most of my stuff so dont care what time slot its on.
Because we have TIVO, it doesn’t matter to me when the show airs. But, I love Shark Tank and would hate to see it totally ‘tanked.” It’s such a fun show with those ‘sharks’ attacking each other and the hopefuls. Love this show…bring it back (sung to the tune of “Bring Him Home” from Les Miserables!
I think it is a bad time slot. I would prefer to see Eastwick is this time slot, rather than cancel it.