NBC has confirmed that their musical drama Smash has been officially cancelled. There won’t be a third season.
The news certainly doesn’t come as a surprise. Everyone but the most optimistic viewers assumed that the series was already done.
Smash premiered very well last season when it followed The Voice. Despite the strong lead-in, the ratings declined as the first season wore on.
NBC renewed it anyway with an order for 18 installments. They no doubt regretted that move when season two debuted to poor numbers. The ratings got worse and they chose to burn off the remaining episodes on Saturday nights, rather than simply pull the show off the air.
The last two episodes of Smash are scheduled to air on Sunday, May 26th. Hopefully the producers saw the writing on the wall soon enough and wrapped up the ongoing storylines.
What do you think? Did you like Smash? Are you sorry that the series was cancelled?
Smash was very enjoyable to watch with all that talent. Much better than watching reality shows where you watch people get rejected . The songs were great and really perks you up watching it after a long tiring day. Should not have been cancelled.
I loved Smash, is there anyway they NBC can change their minds? Please bring back the show.
Will miss watching SMASH. It was one of the best shows on TV. No blood & guts, no reality crap. It was very entertaining. Shame on NBC
I’m as mad as everyone else!! This was a great show with wonderful talent. Wow, just got done watching the final episode for the second time and looked online to see if it was renewed. I’m very disappointed!
I truly loved Smash and I hate to find out that it’s gone. I didn’t realize that there was so much negativity surrounding the changes they made to the story lines. I thought that it was a smart way to branch out from the 1st season, it’s not like they could have stayed focused strictly on Bombshell and the Ivy/Karen drama forever. And even though they “wrapped up” the story lines from the 2nd season in the finale I’m disappointed to know that one of the shows I actually made it a point to watch every single week won’t be… Read more »
What can be done to bring this show back? One of the best shows on television. It started out slower this year then gain momentum. Should have given it a chance.
Will this stinks I agree as soon as you get in to a show without murder and stupid comedy it’s canceled or the stupid reality shows but really how reality our the by the time they clip and snip and past the cenes together how real is it. Please keep this show
Such a disappointment! One of the bright spots in an ordinary lineup. I can never understand canceling a quality show and keeping mindless, repetitive, reality shows. The show was always something to looked forward to. The cast and music was always a pleasure to watch and listen to. Shame on NBC. Do I hear another station willing to pick it up?
I love SMASH and will be very, very sad not to see it return next season. I do appreciate finishing out the season and was happy that there weren’t any big cliff hangers that won’t be addressed.
I really, really loved Smash and to hear its been cancelled. What can we do about it? I recorded it b/c I work the evening shift. Does DVR recordings count in the rating? It was a great show. One of few TV shows worth watching. Time to pick up sewing I guess.
Was the best show loved it. will be miss it so much. Great music and great actors . made me dream again so sad.
it really sucks that Smashed was cancelled, maybe another station could pick it back up.
I just loved, loved, loved Smash. I am so disappointed that this series is cancelled. I love Broadway and the music, dancing and singing in this show was fabulous. If Bombshell became a real broadway show I would buy tickets.
Very disappointed.
Why ar eyou cancelling this shows if it was not for SMASH my sister will not be sing again. she love sing but after she graduation for high school. She was sad that she was going to live but SMASH help here though with it and i am glad that i had fun watching the shows with here and i am haooy that you guys made it happed. I will miss you SMASH and i love you all too…
So upset about the cancellation of Smash! It was refreshing to have something authentic and unique to watch! Such great talent! NBC needs to get it together!