With much hoopla and some mixed reviews, Starz debuted their new original series, Spartacus, over the weekend. Did many watch? Will it survive?
The first season of the series, titled Spartacus: Blood and Sand, follows the legendary Roman gladiator with newcomer Andy Whitfield in the title role. The gritty series features the talents of Lucy Lawless, John Hannah, Peter Mensah, Manu Bennett, Viva Bianca, Craig Parker, Jai Courtney, Erin Cummings, Nick E. Tarabay, and Antonio Te Maioho.
According to THR, the series premiere of Spartacus drew 553,000 viewers on Starz and another 460,000 on Encore.
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While those figures aren’t very big, they do represent Starz’s best performance in the pay-per-view channel’s short history of producing original series.
Starz estimates that viewership for the first episode, once re-showings and DVR viewing are added in, will surpass two million total viewers. It’s unknown if that number includes official online viewing via outlets like Netflix. The real test, of course, will be to see if viewership grows or falls in the coming weeks.
The series has already been renewed for a second season of 13 episodes so there’s no doubt that it’ll be back for season two.
But, what do you think? Is it worth watching or is the show finished in your house? Cancel or keep it?
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Image courtesy Starz.
I LOVE SPARTACUS: BLOOD AND SAND!!!!!!!!! This is the best show of 2010. It reminds me of 300 and Gladiator. They are to great movies but Spartacus: Blood and Sand beats them both. I really really can’t wait for season 2. I hope they do it and start off back from the end of season 1. I’m so glad I saw a preview for the first season because I truly love this show. I hope it goes for many seasons. Andy Whitfield done a great job of playing the character (Spartacus). Hopefully they bring back all the same cast of… Read more »
I havent really gotten into a tv show in a few years. I watched the Sopranos and thought it was good, and I really got hooked on Tru Blood, but this show is the best show I have ever seen. I know that is extremely high praise, and I kept saying to myself, “I think this is the best show I have ever seen.” I didnt know if I was being irrational or what, but every single week the show got better and better, to the point where I really could not believe what I was watching. The first couple… Read more »
I heard a lot of good feedback on these series from my friends. I tend to not watch any shows that revolve around historic events, especially the Spartakus theme as it has been depicted many times already and it is with a pre-determined ending. However, I must say I have never been so captivated by any other show on TV. I have Starz and pretty much watched the entire season 1 in one week. The show is amazing. It was produced in great detail and even although it does not have the motion picture of Avatar, it is extremely realistic… Read more »
I’m ready for season two as soon as possible!!! Great show!!
This is by far one of the best original series to hit the airwaves since OZ, The Sopranos, The L-Word, and so forth! This show caught my attention fromt he first episode. I do not have Starz but watched it on the XBox. If I didn’t have Xbox I would have for sure gotten Starz just for this show. The glory, the grit, the gore, and the revenge all rolled up in one series!! Worth watching for sure! This is a great seriese for Starz and they made the right decision to renew it before it even released!
Love this show!!!!! Hope it will last for at least 5 years….
If you were to ask someone what words first spring to mind after watching the two debut episodes, they would not be the ones that you would associate with great television. Instead of great acting, great writing, and compelling production values, with Spartacus you can’t think of much beyond nudity, the irresponsible use of CGI, cardboardish writing, and blood
I have never loved a show as much as i have loved Spartacus. I watch Trueblood on HBO and I love it but it doesn’t even begin to compare to my love for Spartacus. I LOVE this show and would die if it didn’t come back, seriously. There have been promises of season 2, but its being delayed on account of Andy Whitfield (Spartacus) being diagnosed with Lymphoma so I hope he recovers because I don’t want to see anyone else in his place. GRAB HOLD OF YOUR **** AND BE A MAN!!!!
the show is great i watch it by accident on netflx just when they release the first episode! and it was a cool show similar to 300 movie and gladiator , but after the past of the weeks it got its own thing , story , characters were start to feel original and unique . the show its awesome and i never missed an episode until now! i missed the season finale! and i can have enter netflix right now so i havent watch the season finale!! im going crazy!!! i need to see it episode 12 got me on… Read more »
My wife and I enjoyed the show. We are hoping season 2 comes out soon.
YES! Another season! I told the boyfriend it looked stupid, and I got hooked. I find myself yelling at the screen when Crixus is being an jerk or when Alithia is being the B that she is! Battiatus will meet his demise tonight! JUPITER’S ****!!! Love it!!!
This show is awesome! I subscribed to Starz just to be able to watch it. IM HOOKED and glad it will be back for season 2 ( hopefully many more to come!)
not only is this show historically accurate it is extremely riveting and epic. You know how sometimes the only way to describe a movie is epic well the same goes for spartacus. way better than 300 tho i did love that movie and it also was very epic there isn’t a show that i’ve seen in a long time that compares to spartacus. i was hooked from the first episode and everyone that i have recommended watch this series feels the same as i do. starz really did it this time now lets hope they don’t screw the pooch on… Read more »
I can’t believe how this show has grabbed my attention the way it has. I don’t have Starz but I will be sure to add it to my subscription just for this show alone. This show is unlike anything I have ever seen on TV. I am sad to say that I didn’t watch it from the very beginning but I took two days to watch all the episodes and catch up to the season finale. It’s captivating and very addictive. The characters are so complex and each have many layers. It’s interesting the way the writers twist the story… Read more »
NETFLIX!!! If you get Netflix Starz is on there….PLUS Spartacus episodes are available on Netflix before they even show in Starz.
This show is AMAZING
First of all, I have never written anything about any show that I ever loved or hated, but I felt that I needed to, no check that, WANTED, to write in support of Spartacus Blood and Sand. This is the most well conceived and well written series that I have ever seen, & I can imagine that the portrayal of life at the time is spot on. I hope this series is around for many years, and personally, I think STARZ, has hit one out of the park with this series, after all, this series alone caused me to add… Read more »
Eric didn’t you anonymously, just 3 days ago post that you didn’t like the show? If not that anonymous posters pic, looks strikingly similar there Devil Dog! I really do love this Show!