Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the stars of the CW’s Supernatural series, appeared at a convention over the weekend and made the attending fans very happy. The actors will soon be working on the fifth season of the show and they revealed that they’re committed to doing a sixth year as well.
Both actors have expressed interest in moving on and doing other things but, if the network wants a sixth year, the Winchester brothers are contractually obligated to be a part of it. At this stage, a sixth season is highly likely since Supernatural is one of the struggling CW network’s most successful series.
The actors were quick to point out however, that series creator Eric Kripke only has a five year contract. Kripke has maintained that he has a five year plan for the show and doesn’t have any interest in going beyond that.
Kripke recently said, “I certainly would be willing to make sure there are enough villains and heroes around to continue a new story line, and I would be around to answer a few questions — that’s it. I’m outta here. There’s no way I’m doing season six.”
Both Padalecki and Ackles have expressed their concern about continuing without their leader. The Coventry Telegraph quotes Padalecki as saying, “I was a huge fan of Lost — I’d never seen a drama series that I loved so much. But as I continued to watch it, it started to get complicated for the sake of being complicated. It could have been so complete, it could have just answered the questions that it asked as opposed to saying ‘let’s blow some stuff up and we’ll figure it out later’. I don’t want that to happen.”
Could Supernatural successfully continue without its creator? Would it still be worth watching?
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Image courtesy CW.
I’m thrilled to know there will be a season six. Supernatural should continue as long as the guys are willing and the fans are still watching. Why put an end to an awesome show? I’m a loyal fan and will continue to be. Thanks CW.
I enjoy Supernatural. Its an awesome show. Please stay on. I watch this show all the time. Even the reruns
I adore supernatural and i have seasons 1-3 on DVD. I truly hope the boys stay around but i do understand the creators opinion on how tv shows go to long and get complicated! I will say that I will see every movie that these 2 make! as I loved the new Bloody Valentine and the Friday the 13th movie!.
i love this show i have never missed a episode.. i hope it goes for another season.. please keep it going.
we love u here in BC Canada