Of all the new shows this season, it seems like NBC has the highest hopes for The Event. How did the new show do in the ratings? Will it be the next Lost or the next FlashForward?
The Event follows Sean Walker (Jason Ritter), a young man who’s investigating the mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend. He slowly begins to uncover the biggest cover-up in the history of the United States. Others in the cast include Sarah Roemer, Laura Innes, Ian Anthony Dale, Scott Patterson, Clifton Collins Jr., Taylor Cole, Lisa Vidal, Bill Smitrovich, Zeljko Ivanek, and Blair Underwood.
The first episode attracted an average 3.6 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 10.9 million total viewers. It was in third place in both areas, though it did tie CBS’ Mike & Molly for second place in the demo in the second half hour.
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This was a big improvement over last season’s Heroes premiere and built on the Chuck lead-in by 80%. That’s impressive. What’s more, viewership grew as the hour progressed, meaning that people stuck with it and new people even joined in midway.
While this performance is positive, it’s not as big a start as the network wanted. The real test will be to see how well The Event holds up over the next few weeks. AS you may remember, ABC’s FlashForward started with very healthy numbers but viewership dwindled each week and it was ultimately cancelled after one season.
But, what do you think? Do you like The Event? Is it confusing or intriguing? Will you keep watching or should it be cancelled?
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Image courtesy NBC.
Replace the writers immediately or cancel! These guys couldn’t even write effective plot lines for The Apprentice (though they would do nicely as Trump’s speechwriters). The show is like a game of musical chairs, only none of the chairs are ever removed and there’s a lot of movement without any consequences or suspense. This show is terrible but could conceivably be redeemed provided there are characters who viewers actually care about. President gets poisoned, meh. Sophia’s people on the verge of extinction, next. Sean Walker still can’t find his gf, who cares. It’s not entirely the actor’s fault, it’s terrible… Read more »
The event. Please don’t cancel this show, you finally have a winner . The show is something to make you think and react to. I HATE reality shows they are so stupid. The event has a good story line and possibilities .
[…] Event premiered with a 3.6 rating in the all-important 18-49 demographic and 10.88 million viewers, and then […]
I love the show, however, I am puzzled as to why the aliens don’t really have any other special abilities except the fact that they don’t age. I wish they could read minds or make objects move with their minds. I want some sort of indication that they are superior beings. I’m having a hard time believing they’re a formidable opponent against America. I honestly believe we could whoop their behinds. I don’t want to believe that. So I want them to be more alien and less human. I would also like answers to these cliff hangers. I would also… Read more »
What the heck? This is the best thing since “Lost” or “24”. It gives a reason to click to the NBC! Keep it! Last weeks episode was awesome!
My wife and I both enjoy watching the Event. That’s TWO votes for keeping it, please. There is no such thing as confusing for me when it comes to a well written series. You can watch any sitcom working out on a treadmill; for this you need to sit down and get some exercise for your intellect. I hope to see it back again for another season.
ILike the Event. NBC would suck if they cancelled it now after getting many people hoked on the show. If it is cancelled, I’ll boycot NBCshows.
My partner and I are both enjoying The Event over here in the UK where we too were suffered the 3 month break. We both found the early episodes a bit confusing with the story line continually going back in time – that was over done in our book. That aside, we have both found the series very intriguing so far and hope it does make it to a second series, or even more.
I used to like the show but after a few episodes it was starting to get tiring considering the fact that its just a long drawn out story makes it seem as if the writers are just winging the script and adding new mysteries while not answering any of the original ones. The producers have to realize that their faithful viewers will stick around until the second season but if you’re not giving them anything in return they’re gonna lose interest. Me and my friends used to watch it a lot but gave up on it after the first season.
I like the show. The scheduling of most new shows on all networks is very confusing, it seems you get short bursts and long absences. If Seinfeld began now it wouldn’t have made it to a second season based on first season numbers. People have so many choices now we have to be given time to get invested with a new program. In the last episode though, the ability of people to operate after being shot and beaten tends to put a lot of what we are asked to believe into question, for example, I wear glasses and if I… Read more »
I was disapointed that I did not hear anything advertised about the broadcast on monday 3/7 I have been waiting for it to return. I watched it tonight on hulu and as usuall is was great. Please do not cancell this show it is intiuging and keeps me waiting for the next show. Although I watch V whis is not anywhere as good as The Event, if I had to chose I would chose the Event hands daow it is very realistic.
It was getting a little confusing for awhile, but by the end of the last section, it was less confusing. And then last night’s episode was not confusing at all. It is suspenseful and makes you think and I like that kind of show. Just confusing enough not to lose me. I really like the show and always look forward to the next episode.
Why is it that as soon as you get real interested in a show, its cancelled? Very frustating. Why do you start a show if you can’t finish it? PLEASE bring back the “EVENT” one of very few shows worth watching anymore.
I like this show a lot. I liked Flash Forward a lot too. I’ll be upset if NBC cancels The Event. Seems like every show I let myself get involved in, they cancel. I don’t trust their judgement anymore. My main gripe though is the new way in which shows are aired…on any of the networks. They show a few episodes…and then there is a hiatus, or whatever it is called. The show returns after a good while to the point where we need to be refreshed as to what was going on. That is where they lose me. By… Read more »
I think that it’s a great show and everything, but NBC needs to check what it’s doing with it. Every episode, there’s new mysteries and cliff hangers being made, but they haven’t given us any answers. Also, how exactly is this show’s run supposed to work? There’s a scheduled 22 episodes for the season: So far, 10 episodes have aired. (These episodes aired from September 20th, 2010 to November 29th, 2010) and the show will return on March 7th, 2011. Once the show returns from it’s 3-month hiatus, it’ll have a little more then 2 months until the common season-ending… Read more »