As you may know, Cartoon Network will be airing a new ThunderCats animated series in July. Based on the original 1980s TV show, this new version will feature a redesign of the beloved characters. Voice actors include Will Friedle, Matthew Mercer, Jim Meskimen, Emmanuelle Chriqui, and Kevin Michael Richardson. Larry Kenney, Lion-O in the original series, is now playing Claudius, the father of Lion-O and Tygra.
Over the weekend, attendees of WonderCon in San Francisco were treated with a new trailer for the new ThunderCats from Warner Bros. Animation.
If you weren’t present for the event, you can take a look now:
What do you think? Do you like the look of the new ThunderCats series? Will you watch?
No… not my style. Neither would Wonder Woman be, unless they’re going to target it for children.
Do not cancel this terriffic show with its great cast. One of the best shows on tv.
Great Show just started watching – Hope it comes back next season
I don’t like the character design, younger Lion-O, etc. The animation doesn’t look good either.
The original Thundercats was the same every episode so this one can’t be much worse but it doesn’t look worth watching.
Me and my brother are huge fans of this series. I was kinda excited when I heard it’ll get revamped. But now that I’ve seen pics of it, I lost interest… it looks crappy to me. 🙁
Where the hell is Panthro?!!! I LOVE Thundercats. I don’t like the voice or the new animation of Lion-O. He looks and sound like a teen age boy going through puberty. They should have not revamped everything. I hope we fans can finally have a movie deal out of this. But I will watch the new series.