Cartoon Network has renewed its We Bare Bears TV show for a third season. Season two, which premiered in February, is set to conclude on November 3, 2016. The animated comedy features three brothers trying to fit in and make friends, which Cartoon Network notes, “Can be kind of hard to do when you’re a bear.”
We Bare Bears stars Eric Edelstein as Grizzly, Bobby Moynihan as Panda, and Demetri Martin as Ice Bear. Charlyne Yi voices their best human friend, Chloe. Patton Oswalt is Nom Nom, a fame-flaunting Koala. Jason Lee plays their neighbor, a.k.a. Bigfoot. We Bare Bears was created by Daniel Chong.
What do you think? Has your family watched the first two seasons of the We Bare Bears TV series? Will you tune in for season three on Cartoon Network?