The fourth season of Breaking Bad is set to kick off on July 17th but creator Vince Gilligan and members of the cast seem to already be looking to the end. It’s sounding like season five could likely be the end of Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, and the rest.
Earlier this week, Gilligan pondered, “I would like to see Breaking Bad go — it kinda changes if you ask me last season or the season before versus this one, but right now I would say season five should probably be our last season. But you know, check with me a year from now, we’ll see if I change my tune.”
While Gilligan seems to be uncommitted publicly, members of the cast are under the impression that it’s a done deal. Anna Gunn (Walt’s wife Skyler) told TV Guide, “We all knew that with this kind of story, there would be a finite time that we could keep it going because the guy’s got terminal cancer… We all knew that, but it’s a great job and to hear that it’s coming to a close is of course a little sad. It’s the right thing and [Vince] knows the right time to bring it to a close.”
Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman) said, “It’s very sad but I think it’s very smart to end it on a good note… As Vince would say, you don’t want to be the last person at the party. I think the show has been so great from day one and you should end it on a good note.”
What do you think? Should Breaking Bad end after season five or should it keep going? How long? Until it’s cancelled or sooner?
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Image courtesy AMC.
there should be a spin off where jessy takes walts place
[…] trouble brewing between AMC and Sony television over the fifth (and likely final) season of Breaking […]
Please keep it going!! You’d be idiots to stop it. Why STOP? Like a good cowboy says, “I’m gonna ride that ‘ole horse ’til she is done gone and there ain’t no more to ride… Or until she gives it up and goes to that big rodeo in the Sky.” nThis Breaking Bad ‘horse’ has lots of rides left in it! Please go one for at least 5 more years! Please.
Nooooooooooooooooooo dont end!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go out on the highest note you can. Always leave them wanting more.
This show is one of the best shows on TV, and while I will be sad to see it go, I BET I will be happy when it ends.
A really satisfied happy.

You know, like a happy ending…
Its hard to give an opinion on season 5 before season 4 kicks off
But I love this show. A lot.
I agree that this is the sort of thing that can only go on for so long. If the writers feel like the story will be told at the end of this season, I’ll accept that. I’d rather it go out strong than drag on artificially, like the last two seasons of “Prison Break.”
Us comic nerds call this sort of story a “Maxi-Series” in that it had significant length, but it’s clearly meant to reach a definite conclusion (ie, Watchmen as opposed to the never-ending saga of Superman).
They’re right of course, but that doesnt mean I look forward to the show ending, especially since I just caught up on it.