Last season, CBS introduced only eight new shows during the regular season. They cancelled three and renewed five of them. How will their new programming do in the ratings this time around? Stay tuned.
CBS shows this season (so far): 2 Broke Girls, 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, The Amazing Race, American Gothic, Angel From Hell, The Big Bang Theory, Big Brother, Blue Bloods, BrainDead, Code Black, Criminal Minds, CSI: Cyber, Elementary, The Good Wife, Hawaii Five-0, Life In Pieces, Limitless, Madam Secretary, Mike & Molly, Mom, NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, The Odd Couple, Person of Interest, Rush Hour, Scorpion, Supergirl, Survivor, Two Broke Girls, Undercover Boss, and Zoo.
There’s lots of data that CBS execs look at when deciding whether to renew or cancel a TV series but ratings are typically the biggest piece. Here’s how the network’s shows are doing so far.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here and here.
A couple of notes about these charts:
These figures are updated automatically as new ratings are released. The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing), unless marked with an asterisk (*). For technical reasons, I have to resort them manually so feel free to let me know if I missed something.
Keep in mind that the demo numbers are typically what’s most important to advertisers. Therefore, that’s how the networks measure success. Advertisers pay more for ad time on a show that has a higher demo rating. Because older viewers don’t count? No, it’s because younger viewers watch less traditional TV and are harder to reach.
Demo numbers are typically reported using the 10ths decimal place (2.4, for example). In the averages, I’m using an extra decimal for easier ranking. The networks take into account when shows air on Fridays and Saturdays, nights when TV viewership is lower.
What do you think? Which shows are you rooting for? Which one isn’t as big a hit as you thought? Are you hoping any series will get cancelled to make way for something else?
When Is Mike and Molly going to air this season?
No date yet.
I look at these charts and all I see are the numbers for 18-49 demographics. I find that to be insulting because it looks like no one over the age of 49 watch TV and that we people over that age do not matter. I know all the shows I like are Criminal Minds, Hawaii Five-0, NCIS, Scorpion and Supergirl and other shows like that. I detest those reality shows and the comedy show they put on now I do not find them to be the least be funny at all. I just hope they will remember that we people… Read more »
Well said Mary. I’m 60 & I’m a TV addict! But I record most of my shows & watch them when I win down for the day & I know there won’t be any interruptions. NCIS is my favorite show but I watch all 3. Blue Bloods, CSI Cyber, Hawaii 5-O, Scorpion,etc. I have at least 5-6 shows I record every night of the week except Saturday. Nothing is ever on on a Saturday night. Do the people that make the decisions take into consideration that in our world of technology today more & more people still watch their shows… Read more »
I have to agree with you on the age . There are a lot of older people who watch tv anymore than the ones from 18-49 group. There are a lot of us out there why don’t we count . We really like Big Bang , all the NCIS shows , Hawaii 5 -0, Scorpion, Blue Bloods , MOM ,(Tim Allen Last man standing , Dr Ken isn’t bad either )and I wish you would bring back The Odd Couple with Matthew Perry and get rid of that ridiculous Life in Pieces and 2 Broke girls . I know I… Read more »
In addition, they are ignoring a wealthy group. Those over 49 typically have more money to spend.
The bigest mistake of cbs was to cancel CSI and renew csi cyber , dont get me worng here but Csi Cyter just isn’t cutting it. The ratings show it is failing to get in viewers cbs just killed of one of the biggest cash cow franchaices they had in the last 2 decades by dooing this. CSI Miami could have run 1 reduced season or maybe 1full season and 1 reduced to tie up all the lose ends. Csi new york was great but fell trough in the raitings after season 7. CBS killed the mother ship serries before… Read more »
I like CSI Cyber but I loved CSI! And your right about the original. It should have stayed. I also agree about New York & Miami. They didn’t even give the fans a heads up or give either show a proper ending. They just left the fans hanging waiting to see what happened in the season opener. At least they did a half decent job sending off the original. I would love to see both Horatio & Mac brought back with their shows!
I see Criminal Minds has dropped big time. Guess it’s not just me, I have the shows on my DVR when this new season (2015) started and STILL..I have yet to see any yet. I don’t know, I seemed to have lost interest in this show for some reason. Last season kind of bored me and I simply have no rush to watch this season. I get the hunch the series is winding down..maybe this is the final season, or maybe ONE more. Depends on the numbers, which don’t look impressive right now.
Supergirl Criminal Minds Blue Bloods NCIS NCIS LA and NCIS Los Angeles all these shows are great number one CBS knows how to pick up and they’ve got to be renewed for many more seasons to come they are all excellent everybody I talk to loves every one of these shows so please renew on for another season.
CBS can’t be happy with these numbers. That’s a lot of red ink in the y-o-y change column
“Stupid reality shows”? Really, Richard? Is that why a show like Survivor has been on for so many years. Check the weekly ratings most nights it is at the top or 2nd highest. There’s a lot of quality shows out there and CBS has a lot. Don’t waste your time hating on Survivor, it’s going to be on for a lot longer because of such a huge fan following.
I guess its what the young call entertainment now a days reality shows are really not entertaining .
I think it is a mistake for CBS to limit their comedy hours to two this season. They are benching “2 Broke Girls”, “Mike & Molly”, and the 2015 version of “The Odd Couple” until very late in the season. “Scorpion” and “Supergirl” took away the Monday comedy hours, and both of CBS’s remaining comedy hours are on Thursday. I do not look at the comedy hour reduction as a good thing at all. :Life in Pieces”‘s and “Angel from Hell”‘s success in the ratings will make it difficult for “2 Broke Girls” and “Mike & Molly” to return.
scorpion was on last year, so it dd not take away any comedy hours. And CBS is playing the odds, they had SEVERAL comedy failures last year and had a hard time plugging holes in their schedule. This way even if they have 2 -3 flops, they still can fill the hours.
“Scorpion” actually did take away a comedy hour from 2013-14.
I think this attempt by CBS to “youth up” their schedule comes at the expense of the network’s comedy division. The comedy hours are VERY limited this season, so they should make some space for comedies (including “Mike & Molly”) before February.
I agree I like the comedy nights . I just cant see Life in Pieces and angel from Hell being entertaining to anyone .
I disagree, out of all these shows personally Hawaii 5-0 is the best in my opinion it’s full of action like ncis and that plus it’s in a beautiful location so that alone brings more to the show its not so cold feeling and depressing
I love Hawaii 5-O & never miss it but I personally think NCIS is the best show on television. CBS has the best shows from the all major channels. I love all 3 of the NCIS along with Hawaii 5-O, Blue Bloods, CSI Cyber, Madam Secretary & Scorpion. The new shows of Supergirl, Limitless & Blindspot are also great. But as I’ve said before the age group of 18-49 needs to be rethought because not many young adults watch television anymore.
Battle Creek needs to be renewed – what a fun show and great plots. Could do with less tension between handsome and the star of the show!
Loved Person of Interest until all of the ‘stupid’ plots to destroy the machine. Just find and help the numbers is what is the best.
I just watched Battle Creek (on netflix)and was disappointed to learn there would not be a second season. I am not 18-49 but I am sure I watch more tv than this age group. I had a parent in a branch of Law Enforcement (not local police) so the conflict between Russ and Milt was believable considering their backgrounds. The story lines were interesting and the acting was great. ( The problem is that people believe that survivors are really surviving something beside gossip,backbiting and a popularity contest that is taped. It’s like high school on film, I didn’t perticipate… Read more »
I guess there are no people over 49 that watch tv?? Or we just don’t mean anything to the people running the programing. Guess us people over 49 need to stop buying the products that advertise the bad programs like Survivor, amazing race and the other reality stupid shows.
What do you think about Life in Pieces’ chances?
Ii do not like life in pieces its stupid
Takes a lot of work to make a tv show. Not much to post a comment on a website. Even less to check your spelling. Kisses!
I don’t like Life in Pieces.
What about Person of Interest? Good program- hope it is being renewed for this season.
Person of Interest was renewed, but not for a full season. I think they are only getting 15 episodes, and as of now it is scheduled to return in January. I love, love, love Person of Interest. The show that should have gotten 15 episodes is NCIS: LA.
POI was LOWER rated than NCIS:LA and POI was in a better time slot. No surprise it was “cancelled”
are these premier numbers? cause NCIS is DOWN over last year’s first show. wasn’t that a high 2?
Is super girl going to be renewed
Way too soon to tell. It hasn’t even aired yet.