The ratings for scripted CMT TV shows are quite small but the cable channel seems committed to producing their original scripted series. Which of the current CMT TV shows will be cancelled or renewed for another season? Stay tuned!
Scripted CMT TV shows listed: Nashville, Still the King, and Sun Records.
Last updated: Most recent ratings added for Nashville.
There’s a lot of data that CMT execs look at when deciding whether to renew or cancel a TV series but ratings are a major factor. Here’s an updated listing of all of their recent/current primetime scripted shows.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also view them here.
A couple of notes about these charts:
These figures are updated automatically as new ratings are released (usually a day or so after the broadcasts). The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing).
The demo numbers, which are typically most important to the broadcast networks, aren’t quite as vital to cable channels because their audiences are usually much smaller. Demo numbers are typically reported using the 10ths decimal place (2.4, for example). In the averages, I’m using an extra decimal for better ranking.
What do you think? Are you surprised by any of the ratings? Which shows should be doing better? Which one do you think will be cancelled next?
I absolutely enjoy Nashville. Just because Rayna died and you don’t have Connie whose 911 show will be cancelled, (just not her best role ever) doesn’t mean Hayden P, can’t carry this with great writers! The rest are also great and deserve a chance. You had big hitters in the beginning, bring some more in and make this show a “Dynasty” we do watch even if I taped it. I have never missed a show. TY, for my input! Love, love country music and this is CMT!
Isn’t there an email address like CMT’s that we use to write in and tell them what we think?
Our family loved Sun Records. Better than the current Nashville that has been renewed . We live in Nashville and like another viewer below, we took a trip to Memphis and toured Sun Records. I only wish that the show would be a little more appropriate for our young son who loves the music of Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis . Please bring it back for season 2.
I loved Sun Records. The reason my vacation took me to Memphis this summer. Please reconsider bringing it back.
Please make a second season of Sun Records
This one of the best series I have ever watched
Please bring back Sun Records. The foundation of Rock and Roll and the history of the artists was well presented, and still has a lot to look forward to. The Sun Records viewing audience was stronger than others that were renewed already, and I personally think it is a much better show and story line. Both my wife and I waited on pins and needles for the next show, and our heart dropped when we saw it was on the renewal list. Here’s hoping for a renewal.
Please do not cancel Sum Records. It’s the history of Rock n roll. There is still so much of the story to be told. Please please renew Sun Records.
please don’t cancel sun records. One of the only fun shows to watch.
Great to learn the behind the scenes stories of 4 of the greatest and most influential singers of all time.
Sun Records and Nashville are my favorite tv shows. Can’t wait until Thursday nights!! I love them both.
Sun Records needs to be played out – too much of an unfinished story. You can’t complain about the acting – Dewey, Sam, Jerry Lee, Marion … . I don’t believe the ratings are truly reflective of the buzz the show has created. I understand laying the background stories may have gone too slowly for some people. The nature of today’s viewers demand instant bang. But, a lot needed to be done and now that they’re all rolling, you couldn’t ask for anything more.
Please renew Sun Records. I want to see Carls Johnnys and Jerry Lees story played out as well as Elvis. The actors that play them are phoenominal as we as Chad. I truly love Country Music but I must say I watched at first for Elvis now im so intrigued by the others
Don’t cancel Sun Records! It’s a great story and I’m not going to rest until Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee gets their time.
Please Renew Sun Records for a Second Season! The acting is awesome and so is the very realistic way of bringing us back to the roots of Rock. I’m telling my friends how well done Sun Records is. A second season could very well see it grow in viewership
Renue Sun Records please it is a great show. The actors are very believable.Shir