Is there no justice? TNT has cancelled the Cold Justice TV show. Star and former crime scene investigator, Yolanda McClary, has confirmed the cancellation via her verified Facebook account. Cold Justice no longer shows up on TNT’s show list. It is also not listed under TNT properties on Tuner’s press website.
An unscripted procedural drama from Dick Wolf, Wolf Films, and Magical Elves Productions, Cold Justice featured McClary and former prosecutor Kelly Siegler, investigating unsolved murder cases.
Last July, Deadline reported TNT, Wolf Films, Magical Elves, Siegler, McClary, and Alan Brown were sued by an acquitted murder suspect featured on Cold Justice, for civil rights violations, negligence, and intentional torts. There is no word on why the show was cancelled.
In April a fan posted to McClary’s Facebook page, asking if Cold Justice was returning. McClary replied, “I’m afraid not. But, we had a good run and I’m so thankful for all the fans that I look at as friends in my life now. I feel blessed by you all.”
A week and a half later, another fan posed the same question (and asked after McClary’s dogs). McClary said, “The show was cancelled by TNT. The production company is trying to find a new network. My dogs are doing great! Sammy is 7 months old already and as big as a mini horse. Lol.”
In the comments of one of McClary’s posts, another fan asked when Cold Justice would be back. On May 2nd, McClary replied, “I’m sorry. I don’t have any answers on that. If it gets picked up and when they have a shoot schedule, I’m sure a post will go out. ”
The official Cold Justice show page on Facebook has not been updated since January 26, 2016.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Cold Justice TV series? Was TNT right to cancel Cold Justice, or should it have been renewed for a fourth season?
Please bring back my favorite show !!!!!!!!
Please bring the show back! It is my favorite show! #BringBackColdJustice
Loved this show. I’m very disappointed.
I hate that this show was cancelled. It was definitely one of my favorites. I’ve been looking forward to Friday nights with Cold Justice for a while now… only to learn this. Very upsetting news. #BringBackColdJustice
I have been waiting and watching for the return of “Cold Justice”, I missed the announcement that it was going to be canceled. I am so disappointed. It was my favorite show. I do hope another network picks it up. Waiting anxiously.
The show was one of my favorite ones, I think they need to bring it back. They helped solve more crimes then they hurt the cases.
It’s disgraceful that TNT ended this very important show. Shame on You!. I am Boycotting TNT, so is my family, and I have a VERY large family.
We were so looking forward to the new season! Bring it back!
We couldn’t wait for COLD JUSTICE to start each season and spent our weeks looking forward to Friday nights when it was on. After only 3 seasons, a lot of success and even more justice, I never saw it ending so soon and certainly not like this! The new BIG Boss at TNT needs to realize that he doesn’t have to enjoy every show on his channel, but he should respect the viewers (that helped fun this network and in turn helped fund his contract and paycheck) and be grateful enough to give everybody something they like…something different for everyone!… Read more »
I completely agree with you!!!! A show that was about helping people get justice in small towns where we don’t have the resources and background to solve these murders from so long ago. Yet they want to put a horror story series on instead????? Give me a break!!! I’m with you…..if I didn’t LOVE Major Crimes and Rizzoli and Isles, I would NEVER watch TNT. The “new boss” is an idiot and should start thinking about his viewers and OUR wants rather than his!!!!!! #BringBackColdJustice
Despite the fact that Cold Justice drew north of 1.5 million viewers and was one of TNT’s most popular show, the new TNT CEO/President cancelled it because he does not like these type of show.
The producers are supposed to be shopping the show to other networks but the silent about a new network and fourth season is probably not good news.
Hoping Netflix grabs this show. I loved it.
Sad to see. That series was as good as ‘Most Wanted’. Maybe #Netflix should consider it. #GoodThingsRGone2Fast
For some reason not based on ratings, TNT has canceled the show Cold Justice. And that’s a shame. It’s the best kind of reality show—the kind based in reality, that has real impact on real people in real life. Two professionals, extraordinarily successful in their respective careers, help resource-strapped communities solve cold case murders. Kelly Seigler is a former Houston prosecutor who never lost a murder case. Let me repeat that: Never. Lost. A murder case. Yolanda McClary worked 7000+ crime scenes as an investigator for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. She was partly the inspiration for a wildly… Read more »
I am sooo disappointing! It was my favorite TV show. My husband, who NEVER watches TV would watch it with me. I hope another TV opportunity arises. I don’t watch any other reality programs, especially any murder or cop shows, but this show was so different.
I’ve posted this elsewhere, but… The night Cold Justice first aired, I remember tweeting something like “Hey, this #ColdJustice is pretty good.” Kelly and Yolanda had less than 100 followers a piece on Twitter, and now I was one of them. Since then, the show has become a big part of my world. Sometimes, too big a part. I let myself become more emotionally involved than I should have at times. I got angry, cried, and lost sleep. But… why? What was it about Cold Justice that made it so much more than just TV? Well, obviously, it’s as far… Read more »
yep…this program got me viscerally too, Laura. I have watched Kelly as a Prosecutor on past crime documentary type programs and she is so smart, intelligent, passionate, energetic and forth right about getting to the truth, not a quitter …as is Yolanda & their team included. The overwhelming service this show provided to under funded law enforcement trying to solve cold cases & bring closure to so many broken & grieving loved ones, cannot be measured.