Is there no justice? TNT has cancelled the Cold Justice TV show. Star and former crime scene investigator, Yolanda McClary, has confirmed the cancellation via her verified Facebook account. Cold Justice no longer shows up on TNT’s show list. It is also not listed under TNT properties on Tuner’s press website.
An unscripted procedural drama from Dick Wolf, Wolf Films, and Magical Elves Productions, Cold Justice featured McClary and former prosecutor Kelly Siegler, investigating unsolved murder cases.
Last July, Deadline reported TNT, Wolf Films, Magical Elves, Siegler, McClary, and Alan Brown were sued by an acquitted murder suspect featured on Cold Justice, for civil rights violations, negligence, and intentional torts. There is no word on why the show was cancelled.
In April a fan posted to McClary’s Facebook page, asking if Cold Justice was returning. McClary replied, “I’m afraid not. But, we had a good run and I’m so thankful for all the fans that I look at as friends in my life now. I feel blessed by you all.”
A week and a half later, another fan posed the same question (and asked after McClary’s dogs). McClary said, “The show was cancelled by TNT. The production company is trying to find a new network. My dogs are doing great! Sammy is 7 months old already and as big as a mini horse. Lol.”
In the comments of one of McClary’s posts, another fan asked when Cold Justice would be back. On May 2nd, McClary replied, “I’m sorry. I don’t have any answers on that. If it gets picked up and when they have a shoot schedule, I’m sure a post will go out. ”
The official Cold Justice show page on Facebook has not been updated since January 26, 2016.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Cold Justice TV series? Was TNT right to cancel Cold Justice, or should it have been renewed for a fourth season?
I was wondering what happened to this great show ! Please bring it back. Some network should pick it up!!
Miss this show as it brought closure to many. Was reality,not always a happy ending,it was life. Hopefully anther network will pick it up.
This was a great show. Very interesting. I really wish they would return somewhere. They also appeared to be helping the victims families with some sort of closure.
Totally been anticipating a new season. 1 of the best show’s. I’m bummed & loved this show. Bring it back please!!!!
I am so disappointed, please bring it back.
Really disappointed to learn this show has been cancelled. I really hope another network pick it up. This was one worth tuning in for and wasn’t full of nonsense. You really felt like justice was being done, even after time had passed. Miss it loads.
I do feel they should bring it back. Just because one person sued don’t mean it’s a bad show just proves that humans can make mistakes. These guys have done a wonderful job helping find the guilty. And helping put family’s minds at rest. By knowing what happened and who did it.
Should bring it back. Was good detective work. I know that they edited the show but they did great work.
Need to bring this show back i loved it and rhey helped so many people. It also made me feel more affirmed that i was going into the right career field.
I hope that Cold Justice does get picked up by another Network I loved this program. TNT made a really bad choice to cancel this show. Bring it back.
Great show that helped alot of people Bring it back!
A very relevant show! Am shocked it was cancelled. It was providing a very necessary purpose for these seemingly unending & exhausting cold cases. Would love to see it come back. Love Kelly & Yolanda & their team.
PLEASE bring the show back!! It was great!!
Great program. Please bring it back
Love the show! Bring it back!