As you may recall, ABC recently announced that they were reworking their Wednesday night schedule (in preparation for the return of Fox’s American Idol). That left fans of Day Break out in the cold as the Taye Diggs series would be pulled from the schedule after the December 27th episode had aired. There was some hope and speculation that the series would be moved to another night. We now know that’s not going to happen.
The Lost-replacing series Day Break has been pulled from the schedule even earlier than expected. The ratings for Day Break have continued to fall since its debut and the latest was no exception. The sixth episode, entitle “What If They Find Him,” attracted only 3.1 million households. As a result, ABC has yanked the drama effective immediately. Repeats of George Lopez and According to Jim will fill 8-10pm Wednesdays for the next two weeks (both sitcoms begin new seasons in January on Wednesday nights).
There are seven unaired episodes and, as of now, there are no plans to air them on the network (joining fellow dramas The Nine and Six Degrees). The good news is that ABC has said they will post the remaining episodes online, with a new episode being posted every Thursday for the next seven weeks. They may decide to release the episodes for purchase online via iTunes but I’m guessing that will have a lot to do with viewer demand.
Daybreak is an amazing show. I’ve seen all six episodes online only to find out theyre not releasing anymore. I’ve read that release of further episodes looks grim? Viewer demand? READ THESE COMMENTS! Not a single one here that claims Day Break is a bad show, sure the idea has been used, but I am telling you, no other show or movie, thats including Groundhog Day, has used this same idea of reoccurring days, as well as Day Break. This is just plain stupid and shows that networks never try anything new enless its a big hit overnight. At least… Read more »
I’m also extremely bitter about the cancellation of Daybreak!!! I just found out a few moments ago an am so upset. Finally a show that held my interest and was visually creative in it’s presentation…The empty suits at ABC are idiots if they think ratings are gonna apex during the holiday season…Here’s a show that kept viewers on the edge of there seats with story not just action…It was a thrill to think about and throw around theories of what was goin on…What a bummer, I guess we’re in store for more crap like Nanny 911 or that lame-a$$ Shatner… Read more »
Listen, the show was interesting but from an executives point of view, Im sure they were nervous with the numbers dropping and such, how many people would want to keep watching a guy getting up everyday the same day. This is happening to nobody else in the world. Its like sci-fi. Very risky in this industry.
I too hope it gets aired on line, but put yourself in their shoes for a moment.
I cannot believe this bull…first “Invasion” gets taken off leaving everyone hanging and now this. I will NOT watch any new show on ABC anymore. I have had it.
After the big disapointment of surface I was cautious about getting involved with another TV series.In 11 weeks all the questions would be answered we were told.I wont be so trusting next time,especialy if it’s on ABC.
What happened to ABC’s promise to post the unaired episodes online?
I checked the ABC site today … the network has removed Daybreak from its video player and doesn’t signal on the show page that the show is effectively gone.
ABC continues to disappoint. It’s not the first time the network has pulled a bait-and-switch with its viewers.
This was the best show on t.v. and i hardly ever watch t.v. It was very interesting and kept my eyes glued to the screen. ABC made a huge mistake.
This was my message to ABC using the link Rick posted. Best I could do in 500 characters or less. Be sure to digg this ( as well as placing links to this site anywhere else you can think of. My message: “I certainly hope you have received messages from some of the other readers at This show made my Wednesday nights and I was sad to see it go, but even worse is the lack of follow through on your part to post the remaining episodes on Even posting them on iTunes would be ok, but to… Read more »
How can they do this…I have been really bummed that they replaced this with mindless garbage re-runs. This was pretty much the only thing I watched ABC for. They LOST me and a few others it seems. Anybody out there know if ABC is going to keep its word on playing the remaining episodes online? There are no hints whatsovever on their site. What about pod casts? News anyone?
Cancel Daybreak, then put on knights of stupidity? ABC learn a lesson or 2 from spike tv on how not to run a neetwork.
It isn’t on the ABC website anymore.
Well I checked online Daybreak is completely gone……OH well I’ll stick to HBO….oh wait I have to wait a whole year for the Wire…….hell maybe I’ll just pick up a good book.
This was such a good show, why they would cancel it for the george lopez show is beyond me. I mean who give a crap about the george lopez show.
The writers, producers, cast, and crew of Day Break were excellent. They had a show that was interesting, compelling, and they backed all that up with a promise that we’d have answers in 13 episodes. I dont think you can beat that. Yet Lost has gone on for three seasons and given us no answers whatsoever AND had a very slow third season start… and it’s given the rights to do anything it wants. I dont understand. And dont get me wrong. I’m a HUGE fan of Lost. Before Day Break, Lost was the only thing I turned the TV… Read more »
Please do not cancel this wonderful show. I cannot believe that you would end a show that was only scheduled to run for 13 weeks anyway. I hate that this station has started to leave its fan base hanging with these suspense shows. Please finish this out.