Can fans save a show? Well, if they act quickly, try hard enough, and use financial pressure, the answer seems to be “Yes!” When it was announced that HBO would we cutting the wild-west Deadwood series short after three seasons, fans of the HBO series got, well, downright ornery! They signed petitions, took out an ad in Variety (a Hollywood trade paper), sent letters and made calls indicating that they would cancel their HBO subscriptions at the end of Deadwood’s third season (which recently started airing).
As a result, HBO and Deadwood creator David Milch have now come to an agreement. Deadwood will return following the third season… sort-of. Rather than a full-blown 12-episode season to complete the series (which would have been quite costly and now, very difficult to coordinate), HBO and Milch will instead produce a pair of two-hour movies.
But wait, hadn’t HBO previously offered to pay for a six-episode fourth season? How is this better? Milch has said that he wasn’t in favor of doing a six-episode season because each episode of Deadwood has typically represented one day in the lives of the characters and South Dakota area. Shifting to two-hour movies will allow him to break that format and to be able to complete the storytelling he had for the final season. Milch has said that he’s thrilled that they worked out a way to continue Deadwood past the third season.
But what about the series actors that were released from their contracts over a month ago. Can HBO get them back? Though Deadwood cast members have not been signed for the movie projects as yet, it seems clear that HBO intends to do all it can to work out this aspect as well. One source has reported that HBO intends to “make it worth their while.” No doubt. Wouldn’t want to upset these fans . . .
we just finished watching all three seasons. it was the best weve watched. the show was great, and we just cant beleive that hbo took it off the air. what the h*ll were you thinking. you cant leave the greatest show hanging like this. how can you keep customers when you keep taking away what we like,and then keep charging more for your freakin network!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just watched the box set in one week. I think you cocksuckers f**ked up not finishing the battle for dead (f**king)wood as I’m waiting for the end……….
Ok everyone, yes Deadwood is/was a great series. It’s over. Move one! And most of your comments on here are idiotic. Due to the fact, that it was announced way over a year ago now that the series was not returning…but you people still keep posting comments to bring it back/or i just found it was cancelled…my question is, where in the hell have you been all this time?
I too love Deadwood. My wife and look forward to watching it weekly until the network games began. The funny thing is most of the people I come in to contact with watch it. I hear it being spoke of at lunch tables and on job sites. It has a raw feel and I like that. It’s not polictically correct (virginized) and I long for true entertainment. I can remember stories of Grandpa talking about when he saw the James gang ride in to town. What that feeling was like and how the town truely acted. He and I watched… Read more »
I sit and listen to the lanuage of Deadwood and believe it to have the best dialogue ever written for a TV series. No I’m not talking about the profanity, although that adds a richness to the mood of the show. I’m talking about the rhythm and cadence of the language. This must be an actor’s dream. Which leads me to the performances and the casting; positively brillant. How anyone can compare the cast of Lost to this ensemble. Bravo David Milch for creating TV that is art. Thank you for taking the risks that are sadly lacking in the… Read more »
I am just about finished the third season of Deadwood and i cannot f**king believe that there will not be another season. I just got wind of this bullsh*t and think that this is completely unnacceptable. Everyone should band together and border-line harass these cocksuckers until they change their mind.
I truely enjoy Deadwood and own the DVD collection. This is the one show that my husband and I can’t wait to watch. My son watched it also and is upset that it is not on this year. This show is out there. The characters are fabulous. I had been to Deadwood, South Dakota prior to seeing the series and have gone back to visit the town. We are going back again. Please bring back the series, it is really worth it.
I got hooked on Deadwood. I got all 3 seasons from Netflix, Well I was ready to get HBO untill i found out that they were not putting it back on. SHAME ON HBO!!! That is one sure way to loose all your customers. Bring back DEADWOOD!!!!!!!!
You have got to be kidding they are going to cancel “Deadwood”? My God its the only good show on Tv. im going to cancel my HBO if thats the case. Why pay for something that sucks. Cancel” Big Love” and put that money into DEADWOOD.
There were only three reasons for me to have HBO… Sopranos..Deadwood..Carnivale
Hmm…They are gone……. so is HBO!!!
I don’t believe HBO is cancelling such a great show. I’m hooked and have bought the whole DVD collection, and have been waiting for season four! I just can’t believe they’re doing that, don’t the fans have a voice? My God! You’ve got a great show, the best characters, the story line is absolutely terrific. The actors are fabulous!!PLEASE PLEASE BRING BACK OUR DEADWOOD !!!!!!
You don’t know how lucky you are bo. Pinar Vercingetorix.
HBO screwed it’s subscribers again – 1st no more Carnival, then no more Deadwood – now the latest screw job – no more John from Cinncinatti
HBO truly sucks and after Big Love is over – I will definately CANCEL!
I can not understand why when you put a wonderful show like Deadwood on you can even think of cancelling it. I know the language is bad at times but I am pretty sure from what I have read about the west this comes closest to anything I have ever seem on tv. as it had to be back then when the west was just qrening up and later also.Parents such have enough sense not to let children watch but I really looked forward each week to see it.I even love the reruns on now!!!
I have had hbo for 12 years,no deadwood , no more hbo you guys truly suck ass