A couple days ago, Eastwick series creator and executive producer Maggie Friedman said that she was “furious” over ABC’s cancellation of the series. She’s apparently had some time to think about her choice of words and regrets the statement.
Friedman wrote, “The other day, when we were discussing the cancellation of Eastwick, I misspoke in the worst possible way. The word ‘furious’ was poorly chosen by me. You had said to me that ‘the fans are understandably furious’ and so I agreed that I was too, but the truth is, I’m not.”
She continued, “I see that word now in print attributed to me and it’s very painful, because it seems to imply I am angry with ABC and nothing could be further from the truth. They treated me really well. I am not the least bit furious, with anyone. That’s simply not the kind of person I am. Yes, I’m sad about the show being cancelled, because it was creatively fulfilling and tons of fun to make and an amazing group of people, but I’m not angry.”
What do you think? Are you “furious” with ABC or just “sad” that Eastwick didn’t reach a bigger audience and was cancelled?
Image courtesy ABC.
I am furious with the decision ABC made to cancel the show Eastwick. And to end the show like they did, with me wanted to know more and now I can’t because of some moron big shot who thinks they know everything about TV. This is just like trying to establish credit and no bank will give you a loan or credit card to do so. How the hell is a show suppose to gain an audience if that show is not given the chance to prove that it can be the greatest show ever aired? This show is one… Read more »
OF COURSE IM FURIOUS FIRST OF ALL WHO THE HECK IS IN CHARGE OF SCHEDULING! 10 PM ON A WEEKNIGHT not even a weekend weeknight like middle of we have jobs you know! oh and dont get me started on the well it would show up on TIVO screw that!
I am very disappointed that ABC did not give Eastwick a longer run. The show has incredible potential, and it certainly has an excellent cast. If the finale show is not broadcast, ABC should provide an online viewing option for the fans who invested in the network and the show.
I AM furious with ABC for canceling Eastwick. But, sadly, not surprised. It’s so rare that a network will keep a show because of its quality instead of how well it satisfies demographic statistics and money-making estimates. Blech.
I <3 Eastwick.
I watched ABC’s “The Forgotten” the other night and I had the plot all figured out long before the characters. BOR-ING! Last night’s Eastwick was, once again, so unpredictable! I really like that I have no idea where the plot will twist! ABC sucks!
Eastwick is hands down the BEST show on the air!! I am both furious and really upset… I haven’t liked a show this much in YEARS. Please please please keep it on the air
really? desperate housewives have been on for 54545 years! and brothers and sisters. and all those crappy shows!
come on, abc! let us keep eastwick!
really?! i am so saaad!
show isn’t only watched in the states, they have millions of oversee people watching it!
bring it back!
I am soooooo ANGRY that abc cancelled another great show…..I am NEVER watching another one of their shows, HELLO lets actually give it some time to get an audience!!!!!!!!!!
They’ll keep dumb shows that nobody watches for years and years like Srcubs. But they won’t give new, more creative shows like Eastwick or Pushing Daisies a chance to develop an audience. It’s probably on based on some stupid reasons like whose friends with who in Hollywood etc. But watch the pattern – stupid, dumbed-down shows with virtually no real content and no creativity, end up staying on forever, while shows that take a moment and perhaps stretch your brain in some imaginative way are gone quickly – even after ABC has hyped them for months. Whoever makes all these… Read more »
I am furious with ABC for cancelling Pushing Daisies and now Eastwick!!! Who is making these poor decisions? I guess I’ll join the “EastickFan” and never watch ABC until they listen to us!
I AM FURIOUS! Screw ABC. I never watch any of their other shows! That was the first and only… now look what happened 🙁
I’ve written to Showtime, HBO and Lifetime to try and pick-up the show. Can you imagine a night with a ‘True Blood/Eastwick doubleheader!! Spice Eastwick up a but and wow! I would even settle for webisodes at this point. ABC did nothing to promote the show. No wonder there losing money hand over fist. I don’t think I’ll be investing anymore time into new shows. Everytime I start liking something, it gets canceled!
furious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely furious. I don’t watch much on ABC anymore. Just All My Children and Housewives, but my wife and I were totally into Eastwick and kept looking for it and now I find it has been cancelled. That sucks. Stupid tv people. Well, it’s back to watching Mad Men on dvd and reading Updike’s sequel. Hey I read the Witches when it came out years ago. This show wasn’t that book, but it was lots of fun and in the same vein. I think ABC was probably scared off by fundamentalists uptight about witches on tv. Not as cute as… Read more »