Game of Silence premiered on NBC this week, but the executive producer of the series had the long haul in mind when he created season one. The series, which stars Michael-Raymond James and David Lyons, is a bit darker than the usual programming seen on network television, but Hodgins is hoping that the series brings in viewers because of the characters and their story.
According to David Hodgins, the finale of the program’s first season will help launch a new direction for season two.
Hodgins spoke about the new drama with TV Insider, and he spoke in detail about the finale of this first season. He said:
“Look, the finale has some incredibly shocking twists and some incredibly shocking reveals that were, I feel, earned and will pay off the story. And if you watch the show, you’re going to get the sense of satisfaction. Some of the stories are going to come to an end, but we wanted to make sure we had cliffhangers and stories that we’re going to continue in the future. I’ll tell you, Act 5 of the finale just sort of reorients the show in such a shocking way that I really think and hope people are going to watch it and go, “Oh my God, I did not see that coming. So this is where this is going.” So by the end, you will get a sense of satisfaction and resolution for the stories we’ve been telling in Season 1, but with the twists that come at the end, it’ll rocket into a whole other level in Season 2.”
Game of Silence aired twice this week, and the premiere performed well with a lead-in of The Voice, but the second episode saw a 38 percent drop in viewers.
Did you watch Game of Silence this week? Will you continue to watch? Tell us what you think.
Loved it. Can’t wait for season 2. Wish I could watch season 1 again on Netflix, but no such luck.
I don’t understand these lousy regular tv channels. Everytime you have a show that shows some kind of interest to the public, you all wind up cancelling the show. But yet you leave these disgusting reality shows and think that we the public are interested in that crap. Well think again, because the cable channels like A&E, TNT and so on are showng better shows than you so called executives of these regular tv stations are showing and you are losing your viewers. That show called Game of Silence was just starting to get so interesting and there you go… Read more »
Loved it. Would like to c Season 2!
Excellent show better than game of thrones, hope too watch season two, can’t leave with everyone wanting more of this show
Loved this show. Watched the whole season only to hear it been canceled. Any chance of it coming back? So much better than other shows on tv.
Please bring back this show. I need to know what happens in Season 2. The show cannot end the way it did in season 1 finale. This show is a lot better than those other trashy stupid shows still running on tv.
I really like this show it kept me on the edge of my seat and after the first episode I was hooked and couldn’t wait for the next episode Game Of Silence is a very very very great show and I would like to see a season two because Game Of Silence is a phenomenal show and it’s been a long time since I seen a show with such great twist to it. Please bring it back for season two because I am hooked and a really big fan of Game Of Silence.
You need to renew for a 2nd season I was on the edge of my seat every episode. Please bring it back!
Excellent show! I never watch live tv, but I recorded and watched every episode of “Game of Silence”” and I am hooked. Please bring it back for a second season!
I love, love, love, love game of silence so excited it will be coming back
I will definitely be watching the second season! I was totally in SHOCK!! Can’t wait
Amazing show!!! It has to come back on for another season!!!
I absolutely love this show. Me and my sister every Thursday night would come in my room and have bonding time , by watching game of silence! I love season 1, I’m so ready for season 2!!!! Please . Please come back. I had the whole season recorded, I need this show!!! The show can’t end like this!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely love this show! I’m 16 about to be 17, and this is my favorite show! I told everyone about it !!!!! I recorded the whole season to make sure I didn’t miss one . Me and sister every Thursday night would have a bond and watch game of silence. ❤. I’m so ready for season 2. Please please come back on!!!!!!!!!!
Loved it! Hope for season 2.