Freeform, formerly known as ABC Family, is developing a new series based on the controversial disappearance of Grand Duchess Anastasia. The series, which will be directed by McG, will focus on the events that followed her disappearance in 1917. It has been reported that Anastasia did not die with her family.
Deadline shared more about the plot of the series, which will take on what could have happened if the Grand Duchess survived. The news outlet shared the following:
“Set in vibrant Paris during the roaring 1920’s, this reimagining follows Anastasia after her escape from Communist Russia. While her sights are set on avenging the death of her family, she joins forces with an elite espionage agency that’s working to prevent another world war. By day, Anastasia is a former princess trying to blend into a normal life, but by night, she’s acting as the world’s first female spy, influencing some of the biggest events in the first part of the 20th century.”
The series does not yet have a title. Will you check it out if it arrives on Freeform? Tell us what you think.
I would call this “Canceled after three episodes”
Anastasia’s remains were inevitably found and she did indeed die with the rest of her family.
This would have been an excellent show back in the 80s before her remains had been found and confirmed. Now it’s just a slap in the face of history, not to mention an utterly ridiculous concept for a show