Happy Town revolves around a bunch of strange disappearances and murders in a small town. The large cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
After a disappointing premiere in the ratings, Happy Town was pulled off the airwaves for most of May sweeps. Before the show returned on June 2nd, ABC officially cancelled the TV show. Only eight episodes were filmed but at least answers to some of the TV show’s mysteries will be revealed by the end.
Unfortunately, ABC pulled the show off the air once again and left fans hanging as to when the final two episodes would air. Well, the network has released both episodes and you can watch them below.
What do you think? Are you in any way satisfied by these final two episodes?
Image courtesy ABC.
Seems so … Um the ending made sense sorta but the entire story is full of huge holes and unanswered questions. Im sad. . .
WTF ABC???!!! Who’s the freaking magic man? What’s up with the English guys? Who is Chloe? Worst ending ever!!! Who is Alice and what’s up with that crazy bird and the goat hammer? Why are the Haplin’s so crazy? What’s up with that?
The magic man was Alice, the older sheriff’s wife, right?
Unless I missed something; yes.
Who the heck was the Magic Man? Anyone???? know the answer?
I must agree I was really confused with how they had to wrap things up. Not enough time to answer all the questions they dumped on the audience.
Thanks a lot, ABC.
MORE CONFUSED AND DIAPPOINTED THAN EVER. ABC, you owe your viewers and the great cast and writers an ending. I will not watch your new shows.
They left so many questions unanswered. We recorded every episode and sat to watch them last week and then come to find once were hooked, the show is gone! Thanks ABC! Ill be sure to stear clear of any other shows you have to offer. I mine as well just stick to FOX for my shows like BONES and Fringe!
Can’t even watch here…I am in Canada!!! How can I get my fix and watch these episodes???
We’ve quit watching ABC – this is the 3rd show I was watching that they’ve canceled. Heck with ’em.
I WANT MORE!!!!!!!
Dissapointing as usual. Thanks for nothing ABC! Try finishing something instead of leaving a bad taste in everyones mouth for you ABC!
I was very disappointed with the last two episodes..I didn’t really understand who’s the magic man…Please let me know…was it the old sheriff??
I don’t understand why the network pulls a show off the air mid-season! It’s no wonder a show doesn’t catch on! It’s on one week and not the next then it’s back on but on a different night. The people who WANT to watch it can’t find it!!
The last episode was kinda confusing, but i really like the series. I’d love to see a second season. It’s awesome.
How disappointing that they cancelled this show! ABC is becoming just like NBC. I’ll stick to the cable stations from now on…