(Photo by: Heidi Gutman/NBC)
It looks like Harry has had it. Variety reports the syndicated TV show has been cancelled after two seasons.
Hosted by Harry Connick Jr., the talk show premiered in September 2016 and features celebrity interviews, games, and current news. The series runs on FOX-owned stations throughout the country.
According to Variety, Harry will continue taping through September. Read below for Connick Jr.’s statement regarding the cancellation:
I have truly loved doing this show and appreciate your welcoming me into your homes every single day. I’m incredibly proud of the show we produced over the past two seasons. We tried to create a safe place where families could gather to be entertained, uplifted and inspired and where we could celebrate everyday women who work hard to make our world a better place. I am truly grateful for the opportunity and will continue to find avenues to uplift our country.”
What do you think? Do you watch Harry? Are you sad the show’s been cancelled?
this is the worst news of all! what’s the problem.?.?.? was this show just too decent? or was it the great guest list? maybe the audience inclusion bothered someone…or maybe it was because Mr. Connick doesn’t trip over an inflated ego……whatever, this is such a good show. we looked forward to it every day. shame on the person who made this decision.
I love your show. It seems like all good shows are being canceled. What is wrong here, if it doesn’t have killing or sex in it, they get rid of it. Please keep this show.
Of course, Harry was canceled! This is the sweetest, most enjoyable, and refreshing show on television. It’ll be interesting see what talentless trash replaces it; there never seems to be a shortage of it. So disappointing.
I’m really upset about “Harry” being cancelled. He is the nicest show host I’ve seen. The show is fun and non-political which is very refreshing. We watch this show daily. Please find another spot for the show.
Please do not cancel this wonderful show. This is the only talk show I watch during the day. It is very uplifting and it is for all ages. There is no cursing and it is refreshing for myself to finally watch something that the network doesn’t have to blimp out most of the dialogue.
I love this show. Please don’t cancel it. Cancel Megan Kelly Today and keep this show.
I love the show it’s a clean show. What’s wrong with us that we prefer questionable take shows over positive view. No gossip, no politics, and most of all no cursing.
Loved “Harry”. He is right, it is a classy, uplifting show. A show that never made my skin crawl with degenerate guests or questionable actions/talk. Too bad America didn’t appreciate it. Kudos to Harry!
Glad to see it go! Harry go back to New Orleans!!
Sad to see it go. It was a nice change of pace to have a positive, happy show on daytime TV.
Finally a show that I looked forward to watching everyday. Last July I was in the hospital for seven days. The Only show I watched was Harry. I was confined to my home for a month again I found Harry helping me keep my spirits up. Harry is such a authentic person I trust him. I can watch Harry with my 6 year old granddaughter and not have to worry about her hearing ugly words and the wrong kind of guest. Harry, I hope you read this. Everyone I tell about your show being cancelled their eyes get big, sad… Read more »
I love Harry. It is the most positive talk show on television. I am sad that it has been canceled.
I loved the showand watched it all the time So refreshing to watch happy things and NO POLITICS!!!! Murder reports, child abuse, cop shooting, etc, etc etc. Bad mistake FOX!!!!
I loved Harry’s show! I will certainly miss that relaxing hour of my day. So sad!
I really enjoyed your clean show ..u didn’t even have inuwendos ..I hope u do more tv shows on Halmark channel..the people u had on your show was about women for women and it was relivent …