(Courtesy of © ITV Studios for MASTERPIECE)
Home Fires will continue but not on TV. According to The Bookseller, the cancelled ITV series will be continued as a set of books.
The UK drama, which aired on PBS in the U.S., followed the members of the Women’s Institute during World War II. The cast included Francesca Annis, Daisy Badger, Mark Bazeley, Leanne Best, and Samantha Bond. ITV cancelled the series last year after only two seasons.
Per The Bookseller, UK publishers Bonnier Zaffre have acquired the rights to three Home Fires novels. The books will pick up from the season two finale, and the first novel is slated for released as an e-book in July and as a paperback this fall.
Read more details below:
The first of the three novels, Keep the Home Fires Burning, will pick up from the finale of the second series, aired 16th May 2016. It will publish as a four-part e-book serial with a part to be released each month from July 2017, and as a complete novel in paperback and e-book this autumn .Part one of the currently untitled second book publishes in e-book form in Spring 2018. “
What do you think? Are you a fan of Home Fires? Will you read the books?
Why oh why did they cancel Home Fires???? Such an excellent drama – so much richness in the characters. Why would I want to read a novel?
Is ITV crazy?! I am amazed how often really good stories with wonderful casts are cancelled. What was the rationale? I will read the paperback, but reluctantly. I’m hoping that enough complaints from the public about Homefires’ cancellation will prevail and those who make decisions about the longevity of programs at ITV will decide Homefires is worth a season three. Please?
No, I won’t read the book. It’s ridiculous that such a wonderfully written & performed storyline should be cancelled.
Another great show cancelled. Sometimes I wonder at the people who make these decisions. Yes I’ll read the book(s) but I’ll miss Leanne Best and the rest of the fine cast on Sunday nights.
PLEASE don’t cancel this show! It is so good!!! I will also sign a petition.
Homefires is wonderful. !! Why do they repeatedly cancel anything that is exceptionally written and has a brain.
This story brings to life my grandmother’s era and the effect the war had on everyday life. My parents were children during WWII but do not recall the constant struggle of invasion or severe food shortages.
All of the characters are intriguing and the acting is excellent. Well done ladies!
Samantha Bond is especially talented!!!
I would love to read where the War takes these ladies from Cheshire.
We very much would like to see Hime Fires continue! It has been wonderful following the characters during this WW11 setting! The acting is superb! We hope it will be continued!
It’s getting to the point I’m not sure that I can trust you to begin and end a show . Over the years I have run into this show cancellation too often . We have only a few good TV shows in the U.S., but at least we don’t stop shows in the middle . They always have an ending . My friends and I all look forward to this Sunday night World War 11 drama. You work to get our attention and when you have it, you drop us.
IWill read the book, but I am very irritated .
So sad this series has ended. Enjoyed it so very much and looked forward to it every week. Stunned by the aircraft crashing….will most certainly read books, but so enjoyed my Sunday night Homefires.
Is there a place where we can go to sign the petition? So sad that this wonderful show is cancelled.
Very disappointed to hear this excellent show has been cancelled.
I was so disappointed when it was cancelled. You get a good series and for some reason it ends at a dramatic part. I just hope they reconsider and run it again.
I am very disappointed with the cancellation of the Home Fires television series. It has been a very good show to watch. Strong characters and pretty accurate story line revolving around WW2. Hoping that the ‘powers that be’ reconsider the cancellation and keep it as a television program.
Is the novel series meant to be season three? I still want ITV to reconsider about reviving Home Fires as a TV series, not books.
I still want Home Fires to come back on TV. I was hoping Netflix or Amazon would pick it up for it’s third season.
I am so sorry to hear this. Why is it when PBS airs a good program, it usually gets cancelled. The same happened with The Paradise, a very good & tasteful show. It was cancelled for no good reason. What a shame it will only be available in book form.
PBS obtains the rights to show Home Fries from ITV. ITV cancelled the show, so PBS had no other option.
I’m heart broken to find that the series will not continue, I most definitely will read the books! My husband loved the show and feels as I do that it was a quality series of which we in America have not had in decades. It was exceptional acting, great story line and wonderful scenery. It will be greatly missed!