Most new TV shows are cancelled after just one season. How’s The CW new series No Tomorrow been doing? Will this TV show “have a tomorrow” and survive to see a second season or, will it be cancelled instead? Is it worth watching? Cancel or keep it?
A fantasy romantic comedy series, No Tomorrow revolves around an organized young woman named Evie (Tori Anderson). She starts to look at her life and the world in a very different way thanks to a charming, free-spirit named Xavier (Joshua Sasse). He believes an asteroid will destroy the world in eight months so he lives his life to its fullest. Evie tries to decide if he’s crazy or if that even really matters. The rest of the cast includes Jesse Rath, Amy Pietz, Jonathan Langdon, and Sarayu Blue.
The show premiered on October 4th to a 0.48 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 1.51 million viewers. That was a disappointing start, even for a CW series — especially when you consider that its lead-in, The Flash, attracted a 1.26 in the demo with 3.17 million.
The second installment of No Tomorrow plunged about 50%, falling to a 0.25 demo rating with 741,000 viewers. Episode three recovered a bit, rising to a 0.29 rating with 807,000 viewers. It’s now one of the network’s lowest-rated shows.
The CW execs have a slightly different criteria than the other networks when deciding which shows will be cancelled or renewed. Still, at this point, it seems very likely that No Tomorrow won’t survive to see a second season.
But, what do you think? Do you enjoy watching the No Tomorrow TV show on The CW? Is it a better show than the ratings would seem to indicate? Cancel or keep it?
Please don’t cancel this show! Part of the reason I think the ratings aren’t the greatest is not many ppl are aware a show like this is on.At least give it a 2cnd seems as if you guys worked really hard to create such a culturally complicated show so naturally it will take an extra amount of time to realize its worth’s like an acquired taste let it dangle a little while longer and mark my words itl rise to the top
PLEASE don’t cancel No Tomorrow!! It’s seriously one of the funniest and the def the most wittiest show I’ve ever seen! I can’t stop watching and find myself rewinding parts to listen to Kareema’s hilarious sarcasm over and over! It’s SO perfectly written and just genius!! I look forward to the episodes like you would believe and DVR them all to watch again! PLEASE RENEW NO TOMORROW!!
Keep the show No Tomorrow!!!!
I love the show!! it adorable. I like the characters.
Please Do Not Cancel NO TOMORROW! I love this show. It is unlike anything out there right now. It has comedy and romance, drama and suspense all wrapped into one. It is a good clean show that people of all backgrounds and lifestyles can relate to. Taking it off the air would be a huge mistake.
Keep No Tomorrow. Best show any network has to offer! It’s a keeper for CW
Keep No Tomorrow. CW has one of the best shows and a winner with No Tomorrow!
CW should not cancel No Tomorrow. It is totally different from any other show on any network. It’s funny, refreshing, well acted and written. I don’t get to watch it on the day it airs, but I do get to watch it on demand the next day, something that I look forward to more than any other show that other networks have to offer. I think the CW would be making a big mistake if they even consider canceling No Tomorrow
Keep the show! Just bing watched the entire season. Loved it!!!
To cancel based on ratings at the time of air-date on this type of show is NOT the wisest choice. Think about your target market! The type of viewer that loves this show (including myself) may not watch directly on their television the day it airs. They are more likely to watch the show on and wait to watch so they can binge and not have to wait for the next episode. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not cancel CWtv. This show is fresh and exactly what our generation will eat up!!! Obviously, your decision but perhaps it takes a… Read more »
Please keep No Tomorrow!! It’s fresh, it’s extremely well written, acted and there’s always a deeper message. I look forward to seeing many many many more episodes!!!
I absolutely love this show! Please please don’t cancel it! It’s one of the fresher, more creative things on tv right now, and the one that I’m the most excited to see each week.
Keep it! It’s really different and amusing.
Please keep no tomorrow on it’s extremely interesting cute and funny. I love both of the main characters they have such wonderful chemistry together it just makes the whole show
We as well just discovered this show on Netflix! It’s fantastic and we can hardly wait for the new episodes. It’s refreshing change from many of the shows out there. With current stressors in the world why not keep a show around that’s got a quirky upbeat kick to it. Push your limits in a positive fashion.
Please don’t cancel it