After endless commercials during the Olympics and lots of print ads, NBC’s Parenthood has debuted. The show has experienced several bumps on its journey to primetime but now it’s finally here and NBC has high hopes for the series. Will it be a hit?
Parenthood revolves around the extended and very colorful Braverman family of Northern California. The large cast includes Lauren Graham, Peter Krause, Craig T. Nelson, Bonnie Bedelia, Mae Whitman, Miles Heizer, Erika Christensen, Sam Jaeger, Dax Shepard, Joy Bryant, Monica Potter, Sarah Ramos, and Max Burkholder.
Last night’s premiere debuted to an average of 8.1 million viewers with a 3.1 rating in the coveted 18-49 demographic. That put Parenthood in second place in total viewers (behind The Good Wife) but in first place in the demo. There was also very little erosion of the audience during the course of the episode.
While it’s positive that Parenthood won its timeslot in the demo, the numbers are surely not as good as NBC was hoping for, especially considering all of the promotion. Still, considering the state of the rest on NBC’s schedule, this should be considered a victory for the ailing peacock network.
As per usual, we’ll have to see how many viewers return week after week to know if Parenthood has a real chance at survival. For now, things look positive.
What do you think? Is Parenthood worth watching or are you changing the channel? Cancel or keep it?
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Image courtesy NBC.
I love this show … PLEASE do not cancel.
Please keep this show. I love it!!!!!!
Please keep this show on the air!!! I love it!
As the mother of a child with Asperger’s, I decided to watch the show last season although my sons are grown and the title seemed uninteresting to an empty nester. WOW! Was I wrong. This is my favorite show of all the ones I watch. The writing is superrb and accurate. The acting is phenomenal! The only reason this show is suffering in the ratings is because it is up against the strongest drama on TV…Good Wife, which I also watch. We usually TIVO Parenthood and I save to watch the next day with my son who has Aspergers. He… Read more »
Love Parenthood! It’s one of the BEST shows on. Everything about it is relatable and real! KEEP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parenthood is a definite. I watched it in February for the first and have not missed an episode since. It is my favorite show. Real life situations that parents and family have to face has me in my mind wondering how I would handle situations and recieving insight on the way the shows portrays. The writing and acting is supurp! With so much sexual content and crass on the air today, I rarely ever turn my tv on. FINALLY a show with morals, insight, and consistency that I can count on.
Keep it Please! There is so much junk on T.V. and Parenthood is a top notch above the rest. The acting is very good and there is so many true to life scenes that we can all relate to..
Parenthood is the best drama for any family to watch. Please keep it on for another season, high school students need a show like this real issues and real life. NBC, you have a gem stick with the show and the cast is awesome !!
I love this show i will be sooooo upset if it is canceled! First fiction drama with a child who has autism I love it!!!! DO NOT CANCEL PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Too much drama …get rid of the black and white couple…bring back John Corbett and Richard Dreyfuss..too many couples to keep track of. John Corbett would not have chosen that girl in the show as a girlfriend…yuck. This should would be nothing if it didn’t features guess stars.
You mean guest stars?
I LOVE this show. It is definetly my and my hubby’s fav. Would be VERY DISSAPOINTED if it were canceled.
I LOVE THIS SHOW, PLS! PLS! PLS! don not cancel
A show that I can finally relate to and the only tv drama that I watch. Keep Parenthood for another seson
OMG! Where did my favorite show go! I was waiting for it to come on this tuesday and instead of parenthood I get America’s top Restaurant? Yuck! I don’t need to watch food!!! Give me my Parenthood Back!!!!!
Keep it!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s a great show. My husband and I and our adult kids love it. We’re just disappointed that it’s not more reliable. We gear up for it every Tues. and then it’s a re-run or not on at all. It’s very true to life and extremely well played out, so keep it coming. It’s one of our favorites.
DO not cancel this show, its one of best ones on TV right now. The issues are true to life and it’s very enjoyable. I look forward to watching it every week.