Network: TNT
Episodes: 39 (hour)
Seasons: Three
TV show dates: July 9, 2012 — March 17, 2015
Series status: Cancelled
Performers include: Eric McCormack, Rachael Leigh Cook, Arjay Smith, Kelly Rowan, and LeVar Burton.
TV show description:
This TV show revolves around Doctor Daniel Pierce (Eric McCormack), an eccentric and brilliant neuroscience professor. Unfortunately, his mind is also damaged and he suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.
Pierce struggles with hallucinations and paranoid delusions brought on by his schizophrenia. Oddly though, he considers some of his hallucinations to be a gift. They occasionally allow him to make connections that his conscious mind can’t yet process. At other times, the hallucinations become Pierce’s greatest curse, leading him to behave in irrational, potentially dangerous ways.
Still, he’s recruited by FBI agent Kate Moretti (Rachael Leigh Cook) to help solve complex cases. Pierce has an intimate knowledge of human behavior and a masterful understanding of the way the mind works. He also has an uncanny ability to see patterns and can look past people’s conscious emotions to see what lies beneath. Kate is Pierce’s former student and, unlike her colleagues, she’s willing to look past his peculiarities.
Pierce’s mental condition and offbeat manner make it difficult for him to achieve the close friendships and intimate relationships he craves.
Those close to him include Max Lewicki (Arjay Smith), his teaching assistant. Max’s primary job is to keep Pierce in line and on task, whether that means grading midterms or laying out his boss’ wardrobe for the day. Natalie Vincent (Kelly Rowan) is Pierce’s best friend and every bit his intellectual equal. Paul Haley (LeVar Burton) is the dean at Pierce’s university and one of his few friends.
Pierce is in his element when solving an intricate puzzle or a coded message. But in unfamiliar situations, he can quickly become overwhelmed, and only his favorite music and a crossword puzzle have the power to make things right again.
Episode #39 — Run
When Moretti goes missing the day of her wedding, Pierce and Donnie set off in pursuit of the runaway bride. They soon learn that Kate has been abducted by a dangerous person from Pierce’s own past. Pierce and Donnie risk everything to save Moretti before it’s too late.
First aired: March 17, 2015
What do you think? Do you like the Perception TV series? Do you think it should have been cancelled or renewed for a fourth season?
It is outrageous that a show showing the positives of mental illness is cancelled! It was a great show and one that did not make the man with paranoid schizophrenia the bad guy, which is the norm. I am very upset as I lovd this show and it’s positive emphasis on mental illness. Thise who cancelled the show should be ashamed!
I’ve watched all 3 seasons of Perception and like the show. I’m disappointed it has been cancelled.
I think that perception should continue at lease one one season.
I was waiting for the season with Rizzolli and Isles and Major crimes and Cover affairs.
Definitely should have been renewed. I am disappointed
very good show.It displayed a person who learns to function in society with his illness as many people with mental illness have learned to do . I guess if there was more gratuitous sex and nudity it would have had bettor ratings and would still be on the air.
It is a shame I really enjoyed the show. Great writers and actors never missed an episode
I LOVE Perception. It was witty funny the acting was top notch. I only watch Perception and Major Crimes on TNT because all the other stuff is stupid for me. Even Angie Harmon’s show I could never get into. When to many shows have as their bases for a story with sex you loose me all the time. These shows are for the smart people in your audience but I guess you don’t care about us. Bad move TNT bring Perception back before you loose more of your audience.
Maybe I should stop watching TNT. Every time there is a great show, they cancel it. Loved this show!
I can’t believe Perception has been cancelled! It was fun and it actually educated its audience about the workings of the brain. It also showed a person with a mental illness functioning brilliantly instead of only portraying the mentally ill as people we should fear.
Never missed watching the show. If couldn’t be home to watch it, I would tape it. It is really too bad they had to cancel it.
It figures a show that people not in your damn demographics gets canceled. I’m sick and tired of this tv and am about to get rid of this satellite TV or cable, what ever you choose. I think I’ll read more books there are lots more and they don’t get canceled!
I had not heard this was canceled
I was waiting for the next season
I really enjoyed this show.
One of the most sophisticated writing/acting shows and it’s gone. Why? Because it’s not a brainless reality show? Why do the networks think that’s our level of intelligence? Stupid call to cancel this show!
I just don’t understand the fools making these decisions! Why must they always cancel the good programs and keep so much crap? If it wasn’t for Rizzoli & Iles, The Last Ship & Murder in the First I’d quit watching TNT. I do like Proof so far. Major Crimes is ok, just not the same without Kyra Sedgwick.