Person of Interest will return to CBS with season five at mid-season, but fans are wondering if this is the final season of the drama. The series does have a shortened episode order this season.
With the current news about Mike & Molly being cancelled after being given a similar shortened episode, fans may see a similar announcement for Person of Interest in the coming weeks.
However, the executive producer of the series, Greg Plageman, spoke to TV Line about the future of the series recently. He said:
“I dont think that’s really up to us, but we have always felt like there was more story to tell.”
In fact, he thinks they have enough story left for at least a seventh season.
The co-showrunner, Jonah Nolan, did reveal to TV Line that fans will receive closure if CBS decides to pull the plug. He said:
“The way we are crafting the season is that if this is it, if this is the end, I don’t think anyone’s going to leave unsatisfied.”
TV Series Finale previously reported that members of the cast were calling season five the best yet of the series.
Are you a fan of this series? Do you want more of Person of Interest? Tell us what you think.
please!! keep the showe on. u know the real hartbreaker isn’t the end nessesary but geting cut sort of a good show and the fact that cbs fixin somethin thats not broken.
I absolutely love person of interest and hope the series will continue. Great characters, love the plot lines, and overall wonderful acting. Please don’t cancel!
Person of Interest is one of my favorite shows. Smart, good characters, so much better than most of the crap on TV. Of course I am a huge JJAbrams fan!
Person of Interest is one of the best shows on tv please renew it!